文/本刊记者 李静
文/本刊记者 李静
5月24日,中国美国商会携手中国西南美国商会和中国上海美国商会在重庆举行了2010年美商会白皮书发布会。白皮书主要从美国企业的角度,对中国的投资环境作出分析,进而提出具体的政策调整建议,促进中美两国经济合作。调查的内容包括金融、能源、环境、人力资源等,调查的区域涵盖了环渤海区域、长三角、珠三角、西南地区等我国重要经济极。 这份每年都会定期发布的中国投资环境调查报告,今年首次加入了对重庆的调查内容。使重庆也成为美国商会研究样本,该白皮书将被呈送至中美两国高层以及全国主要城市管理机构,为其提供决策参考。
May 24th, the Am erican Cham ber o f Comm erce in China he ld 2010 “White Paper Re lease Ce leb ration”in Chongq ing. White Pape r is to ana lyze the investm ent environm ent in China m ain ly from the ang le o f Am erican en terp rises, and m ake conc re te po licy ad justm en t p roposa l to p rom ote Sino-US econom ic coopera tion. The Inve s tig a tion in c lu d e s b an k ing, ene rg y, environm en t, hum an resource; it covers the Bohai area, Yang tze Rive r De lta, Pearl River De lta, the Southwest reg ion o f som e China's im portant econom ic po le. These regu larly pub lished investigation reports o f China's investm en t environm ent in troduced the investiga tion o f Chongq ing fo r the first tim e o f this year.
This is the twe lfth year that the Am erican Cham ber o f Comm erce pub lished the White Pape r
The White Pape r investiga tion poin ted ou t tha t there are 39% o f Am erican com panies are p lanning to en ter in 15 second line c ities inc luded Chongq ing because they have very strong con fidence about the pu rchasing powe r o f Chinese consum ers.
Th ree m a jo r industries a re rea lly popu la r in Chongq ing. One is ho te l ind us try, “w ith the deve lopm ent o f tou rism and econom y in Southwest reg ion, the ho te l industry is show ing rap id g row th o f ove ra ll.” said the Vice President o f the Am erican Cham ber o f Comm erce in Southwest China LJ Chen. The second is m anu fac turing, and the last one is lega l se rvice. The White Paper investigation show s that there are 167 law yers ou t o f m illion peop le in Chongq ing, which is the c ity w ith the highest percentage in the w est reg ion. Lega l p ro fessiona l's team p rovides so ft power for Chongq ing's econom ic d eve lopm en t.
“How eve r, ta len t, transpo rta tion and ene rgy a re still the th ree m a jo r obstac les in build ing up trade log istics center o f upper reaches o f Yang tze River.” LJ Chen sa id. The Wh ite Pap e r recomm end s tha t enterp rises shou ld acce lera te the deve lopm en t o f ta len ts th rough interna l training, and the gove rnm en t shou ld m ake po licy to furthe r introduce ta lents from coasta l reg ion and overseas. The Am erican en terp rises hope the governm ent can im p rove these three issues to im p rove the investm en t environm en t o f Chongq ing.
Chongqing is More Important to American Enterprises 2010 White Pape r Re lease Ce leb ra tion o f the Am e rican Cham be r o f Comm e rce in Sou thw est China
W ritten by Agg ie and Ga ry Hynson