CMC Gets New Vice Chairm an
CMC Gets New Vice Chairm an
Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping has been appointed vice chairman of the Central M ilitary Comm ission (CMC) of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
The Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Comm ittee announced in a communique at the close of the four-day m eeting on October 18 that the CMC was augmented to include Xi as a vice chairman.
Xi is also a member of the Standing Comm ittee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Comm ittee.
Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou are the other two vice chairmen of the CMC headed by President Hu Jintao.
Born in 1953, Xi has served in a number of positions related to the armed forces and m ilitary reserve affairs during his previous tenures at national and local levels.
The following is the biographical sketch of Xi:
FOR THE PEOPLE:Vice Presiden t Xi Jinping on an inspec tion tour o f Jin’an Comm unity,Xiam en City,Fu jian Province, on Sep tem ber 6
1969-1975 Worked as an educated youth sent to the countryside at Liangjiahe Brigade,Wen’anyi Commune, Yanchuan County,Shaanxi Province, and served as Party branch secretary
1975-1979 Student of basic organic synthesis at the Chem ical Engineering Department of Tsinghua University
1979-1982 Secretary at the General Office of the State Council and the General Office of the Central M ilitary Commission(as an officer in active service)
1982-1983 Deputy Secretary of the CPC Zhengding County Committee, Hebei Province
1983-1985 Secretary o f the CPC Zhengding County Comm ittee, First Political Commissar and First Secretary of the Party Comm ittee of Peop le’s A rm ed Forces Department of Zhengding County
1985-1988 M ember of the Standing Comm ittee o f the M unicipal Party Committee and Vice Mayor of Xiamen City,Fujian Province
1988-1990 Secretary of the CPC Ningde Prefectural Committee, Fujian Province, First Secretary of the Party Comm ittee of Ningde Sub-M ilitary Area Command
1990-1993 Secretary of the CPC Fuzhou Municipal Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Fuzhou Municipal People’s Congress, Fujian Province, First Secretary of the Party Committee of Fuzhou Sub-M ilitary Area Command
1993-1995 M ember of the Standing Comm ittee of the CPC Fujian Provincial Comm ittee, Secretary of the CPC Fuzhou M unicipal Comm ittee and Chairman of the Standing Comm ittee of the Fuzhou Municipal People’s Congress, First Secretary of the Party Comm ittee of Fuzhou Sub-M ilitary Area Command.
1995-1996 Deputy Secretary of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee, Secretary of the CPC Fuzhou Municipal Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Fuzhou Municipal People’s Congress, First Secretary of the Party Committee of Fuzhou Sub-M ilitary Area Command
1996-1999 Deputy Secretary of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee, First Political Commissar of Antiaircraft Artillery Reserve Division of Fujian Provincial M ilitary Area Command
1999-2000 Deputy Secretary of the CPC Fujian Provincial Comm ittee and Acting Governor of Fujian Province, Vice D irector o f Comm ission for National Defense Mobilization of Nanjing M ilitary A rea Comm and, D irec to r o f Fu jian Provincial Comm ission for National Defense Mobilization, First Political Commissar of Antiaircraft A rtillery Reserve Division of Fujian Provincial M ilitary Area Command
2000-2002 Deputy Secretary of the CPC Fujian Provincial Comm ittee and Governor of Fujian Province, Vice Director o f Comm ission for National Defense M obilization of Nanjing M ilitary A rea Command, Director of Fujian Provincial Comm ission fo r National Defense Mobilization, First Political Comm issar of Antiaircraft Artillery Reserve Division of Fujian Provincial M ilitary Area Command
2002-2002 Deputy Secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Comm ittee and Acting Governor of Zhejiang Province,Vice Director of Commission for National Defense Mobilization of Nanjing M ilitary A rea Command, Director of Zhejiang Provincial Commission for National Defense Mobilization
2002-2003 Sec retary o f the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and Acting Governor of Zhejiang Province, First Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang Provincial M ilitary Area Command, Vice Director o f Comm ission for National Defense Mobilization of Nanjing M ilitary A rea Command, Director o f Zhejiang Provincial Commission for National Defense Mobilization
2003-2007 Secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Prov incial Comm ittee and Chairman of the Standing Comm ittee of the Zhejiang Provincial People’s Congress, First Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang Provincial M ilitary Area Command
2007-2007 Secretary of the CPC Shanghai M unicipal Comm ittee, First Secretary o f the Party Comm ittee o f Shanghai Garrison
2007-2008 M ember of the Standing Comm ittee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee,President of Party School of the CPC Central Committee
2008- M em ber o f the Stand ing Comm ittee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee,Vice President of the People’s Republic of China and President of Party School of the CPC Central Comm ittee
A lternate m ember o f the 15th CPC Central Comm ittee, and member of the 16th CPC Central Comm ittee. M ember of the 17th CPC Central Committee, member of the Political Bureau and its Standing Committee,and member of the Secretariat of the 17th CPC Central Comm ittee. Xi was elected vice president of the People’s Republic of China at the First Session of the 11th National People’s Congress.
(Source:Xinhua News Agency)