一枚金币 A Gold Coin
1. Duce goes to buy wheat seeds with his donkey. 杜斯赶着驴去买麦种。
2. On his way home, he finds a shining gold coin. 回家时,发现路上有一枚发光的金币。
3. He finds nobody around him, so he leaves his wheat seeds and picks up the gold coin home. 他见四周没人看到,便扔下麦种,拣起金币回家了。
4. Duce asks his wife to buy some wine and the most delicious dishes for him. 杜斯叫老伴打来酒,买最好的菜来吃。
5. The wife has to go shopping and bring the wine and dishes. 老伴只得上街买来些酒菜。
6. While Duce is drinking, he tells his wife the story about the coin. 杜斯喝着酒,把拣金币的事讲了一遍。
7. The wife shouts in surprise, “Oh, a gold coin! Real gold coin!” 老伴吃惊地叫了起来:“哟,金币!真正的金币!”
8. When they go to sleep, they put the gold coin under the pillow. 睡觉时,老俩口把金币放到了枕头下面。
9. As soon as they lie down, the chatter of the coin makes them upset. 刚躺下,金币就“叽-叽-”地叫起来,让人听得发烦。
10. Duce gets out of the bed quickly and hides the coin in the suitcase. 杜斯赶紧下床,把金币藏到皮箱里。
11. As he lies on the bed, the coin gives out the terrible sounds again. 他上床刚躺下,金币又发出了那种难听的声音。
12. Duce buries the gold coin in the ground, but after a while, he hears the strange sounds again. 杜斯把金币埋到了地下,可一会儿,又听到了那种怪声音。
13. The wife says, “Let be poor. Give back the coin tomorrow morning so as not to suffer from it.” 老伴说:“穷就穷吧,明早把金币送回去,免得受这罪。”
14. The gold coin gives out no sound any more. The old couple have a sound sleep. 金币再也不叫了。老俩口也睡上了安稳觉。
15. On the early morning, Duce comes to the place where he found the coin. But the wheat seeds disappear. He meets an old lady with white hair. 一早,杜斯来到了拣金币的地方,发现麦种不见了,只有一位白发老妇人。
16. The old lady says that she lost the gold coin. “My gold coin will shout in the strangers house.” 妇人说她丢了金币。又说:“我的金币到了陌生人家还会叫哩!”
17. Duce gives back the gold coin to the old lady. As soon as he turns around, the old lady disappears. 杜斯把金币还给了老妇人。刚一转身,老妇人不见了。
18. Duce looks around, but he doesnt find the wheat seeds. He has to go home with his donkey. 杜斯找了几圈都没找到麦种,只好骑着驴回家了。
19. When he gets home, he is surprised that the wheat seeds are at the gate. 走到家门口,他惊呆了,麦种早已放在门口了!