

中国气象科学研究院年报 2010年0期


1. 信息网络系统

在修购专项和重大科研项目的支持下,中国气象科学研究院建立了以IBM P575服务器集群和IBM DS4800存储为主体的高性能计算机系统。引进和采用先进的基于虚拟化、自动化的大规模并发网格架构的IBM XIV存储技术,建立了以IBM DS8100和IBM XIV为主体的大容量数据存储系统。采用刀片服务器构成了基于Linux集群的并行计算系统。使气科院总在线存储能力达到160 TB,计算能力达到3.98 Tflops。气科院信息系统的建设改善了气科院公共计算资源和存储能力不足的状况,为气科院重大科研项目的申请和完成,为科研成果的业务转化能力的提升提供了及时和必要的技术支持。

下一步气科院信息系统建设的重点是进一步扩充IBM XIV的存储能力,增加大容量磁带库存储设备,形成结构合理的层次化的数据存储系统。此外,补充和更新数据处理和数据管理服务器,建立统一高效的数据共享和服务系统。

气科院信息资源状况The illustration about CAMS’s information system

2012年将完成的信息系统建设The construction will be achieved in 2012

2. 中尺度灾害天气分析与预报系统(M-WAFS)及其应用

中尺度灾害天气分析与预报系统(M-WAFS:Meso-Weather Analysis and Forecasting System,原名RAFS)是集成了国家重大科研项目产出的有关中尺度灾害天气研究成果以及气象行业关键的业务产品,综合应用计算机网络、地理信息系统、数据库以及气象专业分析模型等信息处理技术建立的一个能快速、有效地监测、分析与预测中尺度灾害天气的应用平台。M-WAFS系统由数据接收处理、产品生成和综合分析显示3个子系统组成。综合分析显示子系统以Geobeans为技术平台,以嵌入方式集成了气象空间分析模型,实现了GIS平台与分析模型的集成。系统能有效地将空间数据库、空间分析处理、空间数据显示技术融为一体,可提供对具有空间分布特性的气象信息的管理、查询、分析和显示功能。系统基于多层体系结构,支持B/S和C/S结构的混合应用。

从2007年起,M-WAFS陆续在我国南方暴雨野外科学试验(SCHeREX 计划)的4个外场试验基地广东、上海、湖北和安徽进行准业务试验。2008年汛期该平台在中央气象台安装试用,为奥运气象服务提供京津冀中尺度监测、分析预报产品。2010年4月该系统经过本地化定制开发后,在上海中心预报台安装运行,为上海世博期间的气象服务提供技术参考。2010年6月进一步改进后的M-WAFS作为预报参考系统在广州中心气象台运行。

中尺度灾害天气分析与预报平台(M-WAFS)系统首页Meso-Weather Analysis and Forecasting System(M-WAFS) f rst page

M-WAFS系统的LAPS中尺度分析场灾害性风暴指数分析A LAPS disaster storm index displayed by Meso-Weather Analysis and Forecasting System (M-WAFS)

Construction of Information Network System

1. Information network system

By the support from special funds on repairing infrastructure and purchasing fixed assets and major scientific projects, a HPC system is built in CAMS, which is based on IBM P575 clusters and IBM DS4800 storage system. IBM DS8100 and XIV are the main component of CAMS’s network storage, which is based on a virtualization and automation framework. A parallel computing system is also deployed, which comprises dozens of blade servers, and operated by Linux system. Now CAMS’s online storage capacity is 160TB, and all HPC capability reaches 3.9 Tflops. The construction on information system alleviates the lack of CAMS’s information resource and storage ability. The major scientific projects’ application and accomplishment also benefit from these equipments. These systems also play an important role in converting the achievements in scientif c research to actual application.

The concentration of the next stage is enhancing the capacity of IBM XIV. A tape library with bulk capacity will be added to the storage system, forming an efficient and multilevel framework. An integral data sharing and service system with high eff ciency will be built by purchasing new data processing and management servers.

2.Meso-Weather Analysis and Forecasting System and its application

Meso-Weather Analysis and Forecasting System (MWAFS) is established for monitoring, analysis and prediction of meso-scale disaster weather based on network, GIS, database as well as the meteorological professional analysis. It is the integration of results of the major national research projects in meso-scale disaster weather research as well as the key business products of the meteorological industry. It can be used for tracking and obtaining the meso-scale weather information quickly and effectively. MWAFS consists of data acquisition, data processing and data display subsystems. The data display subsystem is developed on the technologic platform of Geobeans and realizes the seamless integration between GIS and meteorology spatial analysis models by the embedded form. The techniques such as spatial database, spatial (online) analytical processing and spatial data displaying can be put together effectively, which can offer the abilities of management, inquiry, analysis and display of spatial information. It is based on multitier architecture and supports B/S and C/S structure.

MWAFS performs continuously experiments in the four outfield experiment base of SCHeREX Guangdong, Shanghai, Hubei and Anhui in the rainy season since 2007. In 2008 M-WAFS tried out in the National Meteorological Center of CMA to provide the mesoscale weather monitor, analysis and forecast products for 2008 Olympic Games weather service. M-WAFS was customized application in order to provide the fine forecasting reference during Expo 2010 Shanghai China in April, 2010. Since June, 2010 the further improved M-WAFS has been working well worked in Guangzhou Meteorological Bureau.

2010年4月受科技部委托,国家自然科学基金委员会组织专家对灾害天气国家重点实验室进行了评估。灾害天气国家重点实验室顺利通过科技部评估,并获得好评In April 2010, authorized by the Ministry of Science and Technology China, National Natural Science Foundation of China convened some experts to give an evaluation check to the State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather (LaSW). The LaSW has passed that check and obtained a favorable evaluation

2010年4月26日,中国气象局在成都召开了第3次青藏高原大气科学试验筹备情况通报会议。中国气象科学研究院院长张人禾研究员针对第3次青藏高原大气科学试验前期筹备情况、试验目的意义和技术路线,试验组织结构和时间安排等问题进行了汇报On 26 April 2010, China Meteorological Administration convened the Meeting of Preparation Reporting for the Third Tibetan Plateau Experiment of Atmospheric Science (TIPEX)in Chengdu. Professor Zhang Renhe, the president of Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, reported preparation work, aims and technical routines, organization structure and schedule arrangements of the third Tibetan Plateau Experiment of Atmospheric Science

2010年9月29日,由中国气象科学研究院承担的国家973项目“中国大气气溶胶及其气候效应的研究”课题结题验收会在北京举行,该项目的7个课题经过专家组的严格评审,顺利通过了结题验收,并获得高度评价The acceptance meeting of the national key project of basic research “Aerosols over China and their climate effects” coordinated by Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences held in Beijing on 29 September 2010. All its seven sub-projects passed the acceptance check of the expert team and received high appraisal

2010年9月20日,中国气象局科技与气候变化司与中国气象科学研究院在北京召开青藏高原天气气候影响及其预报技术难点研讨会,交流青藏高原及周边地区天气气候预报技术难点,研讨第3次青藏高原大气科学试验的相关研究重点The Department of Science & Technology and Climate Change of CMA and Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences convened “Seminar on weather, climate and effects of Tibetan Plateau and the diff cult points of its forecast technologies” on 20 September 2010. At the seminar, the difficult points of the weather forecast technologies for the Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding areas were reviewed, and the research focus of the third Tibetan Plateau Experiment of Atmospheric Science (TIPEX) was discussed

2010年11月1—2日,国家自然科学基金重大项目“中国地区树轮及千年气候变化研究”2010年度学术工作会议在北京召开The 2010 academic workshop of the major program of NSFC“Research on Tree Rings and Millennium Climate Change in China” was held in Beijing on 1-2 November 2010

中国气象科学研究院自主研制的第一套国产低温多要素自动气象站,于2010年12月23日在距离中山站608 km的南极冰盖安装成功并开始运行The first set of automatic weather station with lowtemperature tolerance and multi-factor detection independently developed by Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences was successfully installed in the icesheet of the Antartic on 23 December 2010, located 608km to Zhongshan Station

