

世界建筑 2010年6期

董卫/DONG Wei




设计民主 在设计中追求和体现民主是许多北欧设计机构的共识,意在强调设计是为人而非为物。在与斯戴芬·戴维·维勒斯先生的谈话中,我听到的第一种设计观就是民主。我认为,民主是西方国家引以为自豪的基本价值观,而对中国人来说,则必须从自己的文化传统出发作出合理的判断。如何从建筑师的角度来落实民主的观念,的确一下子令人难以把握。究竟何以在设计作品中体现出民主的理念,是否能够形成一种“民主的空间”?似乎全靠使用者与观者的感悟,而这正是建筑空间诠释理论的用武之地。当然,要把一种形而上的意识形态应用于形而下的空间塑造,的确是一件十分困难的事。从这个角度出发,我们看到,在建筑的物质空间与观念空间之间存在着很大的转换可能,亦即空间理解和理论关照的可能。无论如何,我们很难在思想与空间形态之间寻找到绝对固定的对位关系。在更多情况下,思想是思考或设计灵感的“触媒”,但这种“触媒”是否必然能够形成一种真实美好的形式,并能够使人们感悟到其背后的动机,不仅要靠建筑师的功力,更依赖于理论解说和制度引导。在SHL事务所,设计民主显然是一种制度化的民主。举例来说,为了坚守自己的“民主”观念,SHL决定远离当下十分红火的“数字设计”游戏,也不去追求时尚的“非规则形式”。对这个事务所来说,凡是过于时尚的东西总有消失的时候,且时尚的东西总是非大众的东西。因此,坚持认为追求变幻莫测的时尚与恪守永恒和普世的民主理想的观念格格不入,就是SHL事务所民主观在建筑设计中的一种具体体现。


环境优先 应当知道,在鉴赏“杂志作品”的时候,我们首先应当关注不同作品的设计条件与所处环境,这是理解建筑师设计意图的一条捷径。而要做到这一点,阅读文字与品读图片同样重要。我发现,SHL事务所为本刊提供的资料中,每个项目除了总平面以外,还有一张表现更大尺度环境的区位图。这张小小的区位图告诉

Chal lenges Under Compl icated Condi tions

Design is creative work faced with many dif ficult circumstances. As a famous international team of architects, schmidt hammer lassen project design grows from various complicated conditions. To deal with these complicated conditions in design is a chal lenge both to the knowledge structure and to the personal ability of architects. Therefore each design is an opportunity to the improvement of personal knowledge st ructure and the advance of work competence. Mr. Stephen D. Wil lacy, one of the pratice's partners, thinks that the ability to face any complex condition is basic literacy for architects.Architectural design is a creative process to seek a breakthrough under dif ferent limited circumstances,which is actual ly interesting for design work.

Thinking Behind the Works

Democratization in Design - To seek and reflect democracy in design is the shared idea for many Nordic design organizations, which emphasize that design is for people instead of objects. The first value of design I heard during the talk with Mr. Stephen D.Wil lacy is democracy, which I think western countries cherish as a basic value, but for Chinese people, it can be judged logical ly from their own cultural traditions.It is difficult to put the idea of democracy into effect from the architectural point of view. How to ref lect the idea of democracy in design works or whether the"space of democracy" could be made may rely on the understanding of users and views, which is precisely the scope for explaining the theory in connection to architectural space. However, the pre-condition for people in various countries to understand this is to abandon any potential high-sounding political words and tendentious ideology. From this point, there is great possibility to transfer between the material space and the viewed space, that is, between space understanding and theory concerns. For example, in order to hold the idea of“democracy”, schmidt hammer lassen architects decided to keep away from the prevailing “figure design”game, as wel l as the fashionable“non-regular form”. From the point of view of schmidt hammer lassen architects, fashionable things wil l disappear sooner or later; besides, fashion is always not belonging to the majorities. So it is a detailed ref lection in architectural design of schmidt hammer lassen architects concerning the f irmly believed democracy idea, which is conf licting with the concept of changeable fashion.

In addition, the architectural concept of democracy inf luences the management process of the design firm with 140 employees. In the process operation, it includes value orientation, proposal comparison and judgment, and the f inal scheme selection ref lects the mechanism of“experience democracy”, the mul tiple-layer intel ligent core comprises 5 partners, a CEO, leaders in branches of dif ferent cities and the chief architects group. They can make the best design proposal in the al lotted time after carrying out the design evaluation and research according to the characteristics of the project.

Pr i or i t y t o Envi ronment-It shal l be knowledgeable that when we enjoy the “magazine works”, we ought first ly to be concerned about the various design conditions of various works and their environments. It is a shortcut to understand the architect's design concept. Words and pictures are of the same importance in this regard. I found in every project materials provided by schmidt hammer lassen architects, there is a location plan which displays the greater extent of location in addition to the master plan. We can get some important information f rom this small location plan: firstly, the actual environment of the building, which usual ly is the key factor inf luencing the design objectives; secondly, it is seldom to provide a location plan when publishing their works in international architecture magazines. Choosing to add the location plan in the limited space of the magazine and repeatedly emphasizing the features of the design environment with words shows the degree of attention of this office to the environmental issue,and it also ref lects the architects’environment consciousness and the way of thinking in architectural design.

Creative Ideas - Primarily, insisting on innovation in architectural design, because design is an intel ligent activity motivated by creativity. People can understand the creation of design from various aspects, and the creation in a spatial sphere is the final goal of the whole design process. From the works of schmidt我们一些重要的信息。其一,表明建筑所处的实质环境,这往往是影响设计意图的关键性因素;其二,为每个建筑作品提供区位图在各种国际建筑杂志所发表的作品中并不多见。在原本十分有限的篇幅内还要增加似乎没有什么价值的区位图,而且在文字解说中反复强调设计环境的特点,这本身就说明了该事务所对环境问题的重视程度,更反映出事务所在从事建筑设计时的一种环境理念和思考方式。


创新理念 在建筑设计中坚持创新应当是一件天经地义的事,因为设计本来就是以创新为动力的智力活动。人们可以从许多方面考虑设计的创新性,其中对空间的创造是整个设计过程的终极目标。从SHL事务所的作品中,我们可以体验出一种坚持以地方文化为本的创新精神,对地方文化的理解或寻求空间的“场所精神”是该事务所多年来一以贯之的设计理念。因此,我们可以看到在不同国家从事建筑设计时,SHL的建筑师总是企图对地方文化及其环境有所了解,并在此基础上开展设计工作,这使得建筑作品拥有了对地方文化与环境的诠释性特征(例如,已成为北欧建筑经典的格陵兰瓦克文化中心,1997),而要达到这一目标并非易事。这种基于地方文化的创新理念似乎正是SHL事务所能够在国际竞赛中屡屡获胜的秘诀。

北欧品质 在许多北欧建筑师的眼中,所谓北欧品质就是高品质的代名词。这种北欧品质既包括设计的内容,也包括建造和管理的内容。SHL一贯强调的设计整体性,即指从宏观的环境层面到微观的细部大样的全过程控制。而在全部的品质控制中,设计品质是最重要的环节。在一个事务所中,控制设计品质的关键在于对设计的管理,而不在于设计创意本身。设计管理包括落实设计创意的全部环节,特别是不同工种之间的协调、设计和施工之间的协调、与使用者的协调、甚至对设计作品的推广与宣传。在SHL事务所,所有这些环节都有专人负责,这就保证了设计、施工与使用的全过程管理,从而保证了“北欧品质”的实至名归。

生态设计 经过20余年的耳濡目染,我们早已将“生态建筑”或“生态城市”的概念铭刻在心。但在某种程度上,“生态”一词也被过度商业化,以至于在听到有人在继续卖弄这一词汇时,我们总不免要想想,他指的是什么样的和谁的“生态”?这意味着,其一,“生态”具有强烈的地域性和不平等性,一个地方/族群的生态有可能是另一个地方/族群的灾难;其二,任何具有良好意愿的新概念都有可能由于误读或曲解而成为陈词滥调,这种状况似乎也是诸如“可持续”、“绿色”、“低碳”等概念交替出现的原因。无论如何,在谈到这些新的概念的时候,我们不仅要听其言,更要观其行,这样才能真正理解生态概念是如何用于设计中并成为现实的。SHL事务所主张生态化的建筑设计,这与大部分建筑师的观点并无二致。其生态设计的特点在于建筑师十分注重对地方条件的利用。这样,SHL的生态设计实际上就是充分尊重地方条件的设计路线,所设计的生态建筑也就是充分结合地方环境的建筑,而非炒作时尚概念或滥用昂贵技术的建筑。


[1] NORBERG-SCHULZ C. Genius Loci: Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture. Rizzoli New York,1979.

[2] 董卫. 专注于此时此地——关于北欧当代建筑中的地方主义. 新建筑. 1997(3).

[3] 董卫. 北欧现代建筑发展历程简述. 世界建筑. 1997(4).

[4] 张玫英. 阳光中的舞蹈. 世界建筑. 2008(5).

hammer lassen architects, we can experience a creative spirit insisting on the local culture of innovation. It has been for many years the consistent design concept for schmidt hammer lassen architects to understand the local cul ture or seek the“locale spirit”(genius loci). So we could see that schmidt hammer lassen architects has always been attempting to understand the local culture and its environment,and carrying out the design works on that basis in dif ferent counties. Al l of these trial actions have brought architectural works explanative features of that local culture and environments (eg. The classical Katuaq Culture Center of Greenland, 1997). However,it is difficult to reach this target. It seems that the innovative ideas based on the local culture are the recipe of schmidt hammer lassen architects making constant success in international competitions.

Nordic Qual i ty - In the eyes of many Nordic architects, the Nordic quality is an alternative name for high quality, referring to design, construction and management. The integrity of design is always emphasized by schmidt hammer lassen architects, i.e. the overal l process is control led from the macroscopical environmental layers to microcosmic detailed samples. Among al l the quality controls, the design quality is the most important part. In the of fice, the key of control ling the design quality is the management of design, not just the creation of ideas alone. The management of design includes the implementation of al l segments of the design, especial ly the coordination between various types of engineering work, design and construction, interaction with users,and even the promotion and advertisement of design works. In schmidt hammer lassen architects, al l these links have people in charge, which ensures the entire process of management in design, construction and application, and thus guarantees the actual “Nordic Quality”.

Ecological Design - The concepts of “ecological architecture” and “ecological city” have already been engraved into our memories af ter their immersion more than 20 years ago. But to some degree, the word“ecological” has been over-commercialized. Hence,when we hear it paraded by some people, we tend to think what was pointed and whose“ecology”. This means that, firstly,“ecology” has a strong territoriality and inequality, the ecology of one local/subpopulation may be the disaster of another local/subpopulation;secondly, it could be a mere platitude when any new concept despite of good intentions is read wrongly or misinterpreted. Maybe it is the reason for the alternate appearance of “sustainability”,“Green” and “LC” etc.No matter how, when we talk about these new words,we shal l not only listen to the words, but also observe the activities. In this way, we could understand how the concept of ecology is used in design and put into effect. The ecological architectural design pointed by schmidt hammer lassen architects is similar to others where features of ecological design is the architects'focus on the use of local condition. So in fact, it is a design policy that respect the local conditions. So, the ecological buildings are the ones in harmony with its environments, instead of the ones in description of fashionable concepts or through abuse of expensive technology.

Every mature practice has its own design philosophy or architectural value. Democratization in Design, Priority to Environment, Creative Ideas,Nordic Quality, and Ecological Design are the key elements of schmidt hammer lassen architects design philosophy. Understanding its design work from these mentioned points of view can help us to grasp the motivation and value behind the architectural form,and can help us to see each building as a specific life under the particular conditions and times. That's the spirit schmidt hammer lassen architects wants to achieve.□


[1] NORBERG-SCHULZ C. Genius Loci: Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture. Rizzoli New York,1979.

[2] DONG Wei. Focus on this Ttime and this Place-Aoubt the Local Idea of Modern Architecture of Northern Europe, New Architecture. 1997(3).

[3] DONG Wei. Brief of Development of Modern Architecture of Northern Europe. World Architecture.1997(4).

[4] ZHANG Meiying. the Dance in the Sun. Wor ld Architecture. 2008(5).


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