Amessage from the V ictam President
Dear Readers,
As President of the Victam Foundation Iwould like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continuing support for our event in Thailand and also Ihope for our new show in Co logne,Germ any in 2011.
Since our last event in Bangkok,which was in 2008,the world has changed radica lly and to m any of us surprising ly.W ithin these last two turbulent years we have seenm any incredible changes,banks and financia linstitutions crippled and bankrup ted,m ighty autom otive corporations brought to their knees,enorm ous governm ent support programm es,and m uch,m uch m ore.
But through allo f this you have supported the Victam events,the exhibitions and conferences and for this I would like to thank you.Despite the econom ic downturn that Ihave already referred to our forthcom ing event in Bangkok is even larger than the 2008 show,which was our largest show to date in Asia.Therefore to you,our exhibitors Iwould like to give a special thank you.
But no exhibition would exist without people to visit the exhibitors stands,here again Im ust thank the m any thousands of visitors who com e from not just from Thailand but from allover South and South East Asia,in fact just about half the visitors to the 2008 were not from Thailand which is further evidence that this show is really an Asian/Pacific event.
The organisers of the series of conferences that support our shows do a great job.They provide world renowned experts to speak and present papers on a series of sub jects and topics that are highly pertinent to the conditions and factors thatwe are facing in our industry today,again for this Iwould like to thank them.
Then there are the people behind the scenes,the venue owners,our contractors,Expolink G lobalNetwork Ltd who help us in the localm anagem ent,the ThaiConvention&Exhibition Bureau,the hotels,our regional consultants,m y own Board and of course our own organising staff,led by our GeneralManager.
Iwould therefore like to finish by saying that Ihope that FIAAP Asia,Victam Asia&GRAPAS Asia 2010 will continue to be a great success and I look forward to welcom ing you and your colleagues to the show when it opens on March 3.
President,The Victam Foundation