澳大利亚John Murtagh全科病案研究 (二十三)——受惊吓的男孩患了失眠症


中国全科医学 2010年4期

John Murtagh(著), 杨 辉 (译)

作 (译)者单位:3165澳大利亚维多利亚州, 澳大利亚Monash大学

1 案例故事

史蒂文今年6岁, 以前一直是个快乐无忧的小男孩。让人想不到的是, 他得了失眠症。这真的很让我费解, 作为全科医生, 我真得很难理解为什么这么小的孩子怎么还能患失眠症。这个故事的结局让我很惭愧, 因为最终是男孩的老师给我揭开了谜团, 治好了男孩的病。

故事的开始, 是史蒂文的妈妈带男孩来我们全科医学中心来看病。妈妈显得茫然不知所措, 她说也不知道什么原因, 史蒂文突然不想睡觉, 也睡不着觉。深更半夜的时候, 夫妻俩经常被吓一跳, 看见眼神怪异的史蒂文站在他们床头, 面无表情, 一言不发。有的夜里, 父母发现床上没有史蒂文, 于是满处寻找, 最后发现他躲在壁橱里面。

2 初步诊断和治疗

我进一步了解男孩的其他情况, 发现除了失眠症外, 其他都很正常。不过史蒂文的小学老师告诉我, 男孩的学习成绩下降, 而且还经常趴在课桌上睡着了。看病的时候, 我询问了史蒂文一些问题, 发现这个男孩比较害羞;他好像不想直接回答我的问题, 总是闪烁其词, 回避我的直接提问。他说没有担心害怕什么事情。

我认为这个孩子是短暂性的行为异常, 建议采用保守性的治疗方法, 比如在上床睡觉前喝热饮料、淋浴, 或做一些锻炼活动。结果这些方法根本不奏效。

我只好采取另外的措施, 让史蒂文服用安眠药。开始的时候服用很小的剂量, 发现效果不好, 结果就加大药量, 最后发现安眠药对史蒂文的病毫无帮助。

到这个时候, 我只好对史蒂文的父母说, 你的孩子心理上有问题, 我要把史蒂文转到心理学专家那里去, 让专家来诊断和治疗他的失眠症。

不过心理学专家也很尴尬, 因为他也没能发现史蒂文失眠的原因。专家提出的治疗方法, 是让史蒂文在深夜的时候做长距离的慢走活动。于是, 史蒂文家的邻居们开始悄悄议论一个奇怪的事情, 他们发现一个瘦小的 “夜行动物” 在午夜时分绕着社区慢慢地跑着, 身边还跟着一辆慢慢行驶的汽车, 开车的是可怜的、哈欠连天的父亲。


3 老师的技巧

最后还是史蒂文的老师想出了极妙的主意。她让所有的学生交一幅图画作业, 画出自己最担心或最害怕的事情。老师规定这幅图画作业是学生 “幻想里面的” 的画面。

请看史蒂文交的图画作业。画面上的史蒂文在床上睡觉,两个窃贼正在偷走他的钱盒子。老师很巧妙地询问史蒂文图画作业里面的意思, 史蒂文说一个同学告诉过他, 窃贼可能在晚上潜入家里偷东西, 拿走钱盒子, 还会 “暴揍” 他。

那么老师的解决办法是什么呢?故事的结尾是这样的:史蒂文抱着他的钱盒子来到银行, 交给服务人员, 然后眼珠子动也不动的盯着服务人员郑重其事地数着他的钱, 并把钱存在一个特别安全的账户里面。从此史蒂文相信他宝贵的钱得到了安全的保护, 而且可以像以前一样安心地睡觉了。

4 从案例中学到什么

4.1 儿童看病的原因中, 可能包括失眠症和做噩梦 (睡眠焦虑症)。大约有十分之一的儿童会因情绪或情感的干扰, 而发生失眠或做噩梦的情况。患儿看病时, 往往表现为不典型的主诉或症状, 全科医生不要轻易地忽略患儿这些特征。

4.2 和患儿谈论情绪骚扰问题, 这并不是件很容易的事情。不过可以通过 “画梦” 的方式来和患儿进行沟通, 发现患儿面临的心理问题。 “画梦” 是Bruce Tonge教授建议的一种实用沟通技术, 他认为这种技术是揭示患儿心理过程的一条捷径, 而且最适合应用在全科医学服务过程中。

5 延伸知识:儿童睡眠障碍

5.1 儿童睡眠障碍在幼儿和学龄前儿童中非常常见。

5.2 如果发现儿童半夜醒来, 家长应该想办法消除儿童的恐惧心理, 做好儿童的保护工作, 最好能够在夜里陪伴儿童睡觉。不过, 家长给儿童这些帮助的时候, 要小心谨慎。

5.3 虽然心理压力可以导致睡眠问题, 但我们要知道儿童睡眠问题的原因中, 很少是由于严重的心理学问题造成的。

5.4 异常睡眠 (夜惊、梦游、说梦话)不能算是真正的睡眠障碍。异常睡眠主要发生在深层非快动眼期。夜惊主要发生在睡眠2 h内和醒前1 ~2 min, 儿童常常很难安慰, 而且也记不清梦到了什么。儿童异常睡眠主要发生在两个年龄段, 即2 ~4岁和6 ~9 岁。往往过几个月后, 异常睡眠可自行消失, 不需要主动的治疗措施。


(1)Bruce Tonge教授:Monash大学心理学和精神病学教授, 专长儿童和青少年精神病学。 (2)黄小娜等在 《中国城市2-5岁儿童睡眠障碍影响因素分析》 中指出, 儿童睡眠障碍总患病率为19.75%, 女童梦游和夜惊患病率相对较高, 男童磨牙和用口呼吸患病率相对较高。

The story

Steven, aged 6, was a bright, happy littleboy untilhe developed an extraordinary and puzzling episode of insomnia which,much to our shame, was solved eventually by his teacher.

He presented to our group practice with his bemused mother who claimed that, suddenly, hewould notand could notsleep.His parents would be startled at night by the eerie vision of Steven standing silentandmotionless beside theirbed.When not in his bed at nighthe would be found hiding under it or in his wardrobe.

Prelim inary diagnosis and treatment

Hisbehaviourwasnormal otherwise, but his teacher reported his school-work had deteriorated and he was constantly falling asleep athis desk.On directquestioning Steven was shy and evasive,claiming nothing wasworryinghim.We considered it was a temporary phase of abnormal behaviour and advised conservativemeasures such as hot beverages, baths and exercises before retiring.This strategy failed and so Steven was prescribed hypnotics, initially in low dosage but finally in high dosage:to no avail.

His parentswere convinced by now that he was psychologically disturbed.He was referred to a consultant who also failed to find a cause for the insomnia and advised long midnight jogs.The neighbourhood began to buzzwith amusementat the sightof the tiny nocturnal jogger laboring beside the slow vehicle driven by his yawning father.His remarkable therapy did notwork either.

Teacher′s technique

At last, Steven′s teacher had the bright idea of asking all the children to draw the thing that scared orworried them most, stipulating that itwould be a′make believe′picture.Lookingat thedrawing depicting two robbers stealing hismoneybox as he slept(see figure), she tactfully confronted Steven, who adm itted that his p laymate had told him robberswould come one night, stealhismoneybox and′bash′him.

The final chapter of this story saw a happy Steven perched on a bank counterwatching hismoney being ceremoniously counted, deposited in a huge safe and exchanged for a bank book.Steven was convinced his preciousmoney was safe and has slept normally ever since.

Lessons learned

Insomnia and nightmares(dream anxiety)can be the presenting feature of the disturbed child.One in ten children suffers from emotional disturbance;uncharacteristic presenting problems should notbe dismissed lightly.

Discussion of the problem can be difficultwith disturbed children butasking them to′draw a dream′(as suggested by Professor Bruce Tonge)isan excellent avenue to this important communication.Professor Tonge believes that it is the royal road to the child′s mental processes and the family doctor is ideally placed to use the technique.

Sleep disorders in children

Sleep disorders in children are very common in toddlers and early preschoolage groups.

The child who wakes during the nightneeds reassurance, protection and the parent′s presence, but itmust be given discreetly.

Although psychological stresses can trigger sleep problem, severe psychological problem in children with sleep disorder isuncommon.

Para insomnia(night terrors, sleep walking, sleep talking)are not true sleep disorders.They occur in deep non-REM sleep.Night terrors, which usually develop within 2 hours of sleep and last1-2 minutes, the child isusually inconsolable and hasno memory of the event.Those event cluster in the two age range, 2-4 years and 6 -9 years, and are self-limiting over a period of months.Usually notactive treatment is needed.

