ZTESDRBase Station Records over 100,000 Volume Shipment
ZTECorporation announced on May 26,2009 that its Soft Defined Radio(SDR)base station had recorded a total volume shipment of 107,000 units since its latest product advancement in October 2008.
ln October 2008,ZTE's SDRproducts won an lnfoVision award at Broadband World Forum(BBWF)Europe 2008 from lnternational Electrotechnical Commission(lEC),reinforcing ZTE's position as a market leader in network innovation.ln February 2009 at the World Mobile Congress in Barcelona,ZTE's SDRsolution was also nominated for GSMA's 14th Global Mobile Awards,representing the only nomination for a Chinese company.
ZTEearlier this year partnered with CSLHong Kong to launch the world's first SDR-based HSPA+commercial network,considered the world's fastest 3G commercial network ever developed.