

中国校外教育(下旬) 2009年15期

王新立 李 颖

Abstract:With the growing importance and popularity of College English (intensive reading) in colleges, teachers and students regard it as a main course .Teachers are likely to encounter various questions in the process of teaching. Practically, college English teaching has a concern with mastery of knowledge, which is focused on the four centers of the teacher, the textbook, grammar, and vocabulary. Teachers are dominated, with little opportunity for students' practice. Grammar seems to be taught for its own sake, as knowledge, rather than as a means of communication. Students are required to remember more words. Teachers don't pay attention to the choice of the textbook. This article intends to discuss on how to improve teaching methods.

Keywords:teaching methods cultural background interest

I Introduction

For many years, intensive reading textbooks have been used by college students. With its exposure of faults, students are anxious to innovate the English language teaching. The ineffective teaching methods have nothing but restrict the students' development. Intensive reading courses lay emphasis on teacher-centered activities and puts students into a passive role. Teachers are chained to a specific textbook and are aiming at getting their students through an examination, such as CET 4 or CET 6, which is far from ideal. Teachers focus on the memory of words and the explanation of grammar. Besides, teachers are not aware of the importance of communicative competence and the introduction of cultural background. The article intends to resolve the problems above.

II Choice of textbook

The choice of textbook is vital to teachers and is directly to the success or failure of teaching. The textbook should attract students' interest and strengthen their communicative ability. Correspondingly, teachers must be careful in choosing textbook. Kinds of textbooks have different advantages and disadvantages .First of all, please Look at the book Two Doctors College English. The book includes lots of practical problems, vocabulary, phrases, sentences, the keys to the problems, the texts translated and some optional texts. In teaching, teachers mainly focus on grammar, paraphrasing complex sentences, ignoring the meaning of texts. As a result, the students feel tired.

The investigation research shows that it is mainly attributed to non-intelligence, although there are many factors affecting foreign language teaching. Ellis has ever said: "Interest is the most important factor in mastering a second language." So the textbook would be better if it is designed with stories, cards, caricatures, puzzles, colorful types of characters. New College English textbook is a good example. Both form and content are acceptable. Moreover the language is regular as well as listening practice and tests. The form is lively and can motivate the students' Interest.

However, the teaching purpose required by intensive reading course can't be reached only by one book in every semester. Teachers should choose kinds of article of styles and types of literature according to students' interest and their present language level. The college can advocate all the teachers and students to collect good materials and recommend appropriate articles to students. In order to offer them good opportunities to exchange ideas with each other, let them exchange experience and hold reading communication activities on terms.

III. Helping Students to Adapt the Textbook

3.1 Slow the Speed

The speed of speaking and the process of teaching should be slowed properly, aiming at giving the students a process to be adapted. Doing like this will avoid troubles and ill-effects as being nervous or being in a bad mood.

3.2 Using Simple Language

If necessary, the words or sentences can be written on the blackboard. In order to know the students' actual level, please take a test. Try to use simple words. Complex vocabulary or sentences will perplex the students and would have a bad effect on teaching.

Although simple language is used, the mistakes in speed, sound, grammar are unavoidable. Instead of blaming them, the students should be praised and encouraged more. Or else, they will be dispersed. On the contrary, your critics make no differences to them. The mistakes will be made later although it is rectified this time. Therefore, how to make them realize their faults unconsciously is the most important.

3.3 Introducing Useful Strategies to Students

A teacher not only imparts students' knowledge but also teaches them some studying strategies. A teacher should help students build confidence and encouragement to overcome difficulties and tell them how to analyze sentences and catch the main idea of the whole text.

3.4 Enlarging Students Vocabulary

Regarding vocabulary, there are two points in teaching. One is their limited vocabulary; the other is their ability to apply it. Many students forget part of words learned in the senior middle school. A large number of shapes and meanings of new words are also forgotten soon; even they can't make a complete sentence with these words. The teachers have to make efforts to increase their words. Ask them to look up every new word in the dictionary and memorize it.

IV. Some Helpful Teaching Methods

4.1 Student-centered

In class, teachers always interpret the whole text from the beginning to the end. They explain every point, with no much free time left for students. At last, the students lose the chance to read by themselves, think independently, put forward questions to teachers. Furthermore, teachers always focus on analysis of grammar and explanation of vocabulary without co-operation with students. Finally the students get nothing from teachers. So the mode of teaching must be revolutionized, and the student-centered mode is showing its superiority.

4.2 Giving Students More Chances of Participation

4.2.1 Students' Performance

Students' participation can motivate their inspiration and help students understand the text because they have to collect related materials and fully prepare for it. Let the students play a role in the story and perform in front of other students, and then the rest of students give their marks.

4.2.2 Group Work

Of course, group work also includes pair work. Teachers should try their best to connect the content with their real life and knowledge mastered. It will strengthen their communication and interaction. They will be enlightened after exchanging ideas with each other. Because group work offers them a relaxing and lively atmosphere, the students are pleased to take part in it and show themselves.

4.3 Establishment of Good Relationship with Students

A teacher is not only the media of teaching information but also the guide of students. A word or a little smile on his or her face would encourage every student in the class. Teachers should improve their personal quality and self-virtues gradually. Students would think that you are easy-going as long as you are modest and helpful. Psychologists point out that human beings' sentiment is closely related to the process in understanding something. The students will feel free and relaxed if good relationship is built.

In any event, teaching is vital to students. So the teaching of intensive reading course should be based on students' ability to accept knowledge other than instilling into some language knowledge, making the courses depressing. Students should be encouraged to participate. There's urgent need to create relaxing, lively atmosphere through a variety of activities for giving them more chances of participation. The advantages can be shown as following:

(1)The activity can motivate the students' interest, enlarge their scope of knowledge, and improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

(2)The atmosphere of the class will make the relationship close between students and teachers, benefit their mutual communication and co-operation.

(3)The teacher is a dictionary which offers help and reference. He leads students to take part in the activities and further bring up their realization of participation.4 Students can find their faults and learn skills or experiences form other students through activities.







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