

走向世界 2009年18期



2009年6月13日,有着“世界最大Lan Party”之称的DreamHack的2009年夏季锦标赛在瑞典城市延雪平举行。主办方公布的具体的比赛项目中,魔兽争霸3和Dota都位列其中,而星际争霸在阔别已久之后,也重新回到了DreamHack的怀抱。

The worlds largest LAN-party DreamHack Summer was held at the Elmia Fair in Jonkoping, Sweden, 13, June 2009. Around 10000 computer enthusiasts are expected to visit the LAN-party DreamHack.



On June 13, 440 Festival goers join the “Blackout” to help break the Guinness World Record for the most people playing air guitar at one time to promote the EA videogame “Brutal Legend”, a heavy metal inspired game staring Jack Black at the Download Festival, Donnington.

iPhone 3G S

6月9日,苹果揭开了新一代iPhone的神秘面纱——iPhone 3GS,S代表Fast。新的iPhone 3GS有着2倍于iPhone 3G的运行速度,并且支持7.2Mbps WCDMA HSPA 3.75G网络。目前,苹果公司已经决定将当前8GB的iPhone 3G手机降价为99美元,而新一代16GB的iPhone 3GS手机定价为199美元,32GB的iPhone 3GS手机的定价则为299美元。

On June 9, Apple unveiled the iPhone 3GS, a  7.2 Mbps HSPA, autofocus 3 Megapixel camera with 30 fps video mode, internal magnetic compass, hardware encryption, volume rocker, and single home button. It comes in 16GB and 32GB versions for $199 and $299.


6月10日,在印度新德里,韩国电子厂商三星正式发布旗下首款太阳能手机Crest Solar E1170。这款手机只要充电10分钟即可连续通话5到10分钟,这样用户只要利用白天时间对手机充电,即可有相当长的通话时间。三星Crest Solar E1170从6月开始在南亚、东亚以及欧洲和拉丁美洲上市销售,而手机的价格则仅为59美元,约合人民币400元左右。

On June 10, Samsung launched the Samsung E1107 Crest Solar - the first commercially available solar-powered GSM handset, in selected markets of India, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, and Latin America. The price of this handset was only 59 USD (RMB 400 yuan).


6月16日,知名相机厂商奥林巴斯在东京正式发布革命性的可换镜头数码相机E-P1,首次实现了将“单反相机可交换镜头设计带来的专业性能”与“紧凑型卡片相机的轻巧便携”完美结合,开创PEN DIGITAL全新产品线,马上就要在日本开始发售。裸机售价将在917美元左右,带镜头售价则在1222-1324美元间。用户还可以单独购买镜头组件。

On June 16, 2009, Olympus introduced a new digital camera “OLYMPUS PEN E-P1”. It's a compact mirrorless interchangeable lens camera that mimics the styling of the companys Pen range that was popular in the 1960s and 70s. The bare camera will cost 917 USD, with lens 1222-1324 USD.



你认为穿针是件困难的事吗?那你一定会为自己看不见这些放在针孔里还绰绰有余的艺术品而懊丧不已。来自英国的微型雕塑家Willard Wigan推出他的新展览,而他的展品都是我们用肉眼很难看清的。他的制作工具是自制的。比如他用从苍蝇背上拔下的毛来绘画。他的原材料则是米、沙和糖粒。而每完成一件作品都差不多需要几个月的时间。

Micro sculptor Willard Wigan, from the UK, is launching a new exhibition. Willard is known around the world for his miniature sculptures that are naked to the invisible eye. He uses tiny homemade tools and paints with a hair plucked from a houseflys back and carves miscroscopic figures from grains of rice or sand or sugar. The sculptures, which often take months to complete, are then mounted on pin heads or needles.



A US company has launched the worlds first pets-only airline dedicated to animal-friendly travel. From July 14, the new airline will fly dogs and cats in the main cabin of a turbo-prop Beech 1900 passenger plane which has furnishings such as the seats and bins removed, with animals placed in their private pet carriers and locked into a restraint system.


新奇的事情总是在发生,就像这种新的舞蹈形式一样。由Yanira Castro编排的新式舞蹈表演将会在纽约一酒店里的厕所里上演。在这个大家临时光顾的地方,每次将只允许7名观众前来观看,票价为每人45美元。表演者将会在观众、便池、洗手池等之间进行展示。同时,酒店里的客人还可以在自己的房间里通过电视观看45分钟的现场秀。

A new dance performance will take place in a toilet. Dark Horse/Black Forest, choreographed by Yanira Castro, will be seen in a restroom within New Yorks Gershwin hotel. Just seven audience members will be allowed in to watch. And tickets will cost $45. The performers will dance around the audience, and the urinals and sinks. Guests at the hotel in Manhattan will be able to watch the 45-minute show from the privacy of their rooms


你肯定见过洗衣机,但是洗狗机就不一定见过了。法国人Romain Jarry发明了这个“Dog-O-Mat 自动洗狗机”。只要将狗往里面一扔,25分钟就能洗干净。洗猫当然也可以,而且只收取相当于小狗的价钱。

Heres a washing machine-for cats and dogs. The Dog-O-Matic, a carwash-style device to keep pets smelling fresh, was invented by Frenchman, Romain Jarry. He said: “It doesnt take long to wash the dog1—usually a few minutes.”Cats can also be washed, at the small-dog price.


自制个人化针孔相机 解放摄影童心