

第二课堂(初中版) 2009年4期





A. Walking to the door.

B. Locking the door.

C. Knocking at the door.


Listen! Someone is knocking at the door.

【分析】答案为C。比较三个选项,听录音时,重点把注意力放在选项的不同之处,即walking to,locking和knocking at三个词上,这样便可得出正确答案。



It's a part of our body. Each person has got two of them. They are in our faces.People see the world with them.

【分析】答案为C。听力材料中的关键信息是最后一句People see the world with them,能够“see”的也只有眼睛了,故应选图片C。



A. The first bus was late.

B. He arrived home on time.

C. He was not late for school.


Though he didn't catch the first bus,he came to school on time.

【分析】答案为C。听力材料中的He came to school on time是关键的信息句,由信息句可知答案是:He was not late for school.信息句和选项C意思相同,只不过是表达方式不一样罢了。



A. Certainly. Here you are.

B. How are you?

C. Yes,that's right.


Excuse me. May I use your dictionary?

【分析】答案为A。听力材料中的句子May I use your dictionary?是表请求许可的句子,其答句当然是:Certainly,Here you are.



1. How much is the jacket?

A. 24 dollars. B. 76 dollars. C. 100 dollars.

2. What color jacket did the man buy?

A. A blue jacket. B. A brown jacket. C. A black jacket.


Shop assistant:Can I help you,sir?

Man:Yes,I'm looking for a jacket.

Shop assistant:What's your size,please?

Man:Size L.

Shop assistant:What color do you prefer?

Man:I like brown.

Shop assistant:Mm,I'm sorry we haven't got any brown jackets in that size. How about a blue one or a black one?

Man:May I try on a blue one?

Shop assistant:Of course.

Man:Oh,it looks nice on me. I'll take it.How much is it?

Shop assistant:76 dollars.

Man:OK. Here's one hundred.

Shop assistant:Thank you. Your change,please.


1. B。从录音材料中我们可知对话场景是在商场购物,既然是购物就可能涉及价格,英语中询问价格的句子是How much is it。当对话中出现此句时,往往答案就在此句后面,76 dollars。

2. A。整个对话都是围绕买a jacket展开的,顾客喜欢的是Size L的brown jacket,但店主没有这个尺码的,但有这个尺码的blue one,这就是关键的信息词,顾客试穿后的感觉是It looks nice on me,可想而知顾客最后买下的是a blue jacket。



1. What were the three men doing when the train was going to leave?

A. They were reading newspapers.

B. They were sitting on the train.

C. They were talking.

2. What did the conductor call loudly?

A. The train is going to leave.

B. The train is coming.

C. The train is stopping.

3. What did the three men do when they heard the conductor?

A. They jumped onto the train.

B. Two of them jumped onto the train,but one was left behind.

C. They said goodbye to each other.

4. Why did Bob feel sad?

A. Because he wanted to go with his friends.

B. Because he forgot to say goodbye to them.

C. Because he should be on the train,not his friends.

5. What did the conductor tell Bob?

A. Don't feel sad,and you can write to them.

B. Don't feel sad,and the next train will come in ten minutes.

C. Don't feel sad,and your friends will be back soon.


Many people were waiting for the train. Some were reading newspapers and some were saying goodbye to their friends.

Bob,Frank and Henry were talking so happily that they didn't know the train was going to leave. Then the conductor called loudly,“The train is going to leave,hurry up,please.”The three men heard the conductor and two of them jumped onto the train quickly before it moved. One was left behind. It was Bob. He looked very sad. The conductor came to him and said,“Don't feel sad. The next train will come in ten minutes.”“I know,”Bob said,“but it was my train. My friends only came to say goodbye to me.”


1. C。由关键的信息句Bob,Frank and Henry were talking so happily that they didn't know the train was going to leave可知当火车马上启动时,他们三人谈得正起劲。

2. A。由信息句The train is going to leave,hurry up,please可得出答案。

3. B。由信息句...two of them jumped onto the train quickly before it moved. One was left behind可直接得出答案。

4. C。由信息句Bob said,“but it was my train. My friends only came to say goodbye to me.”可得出答案,该上火车的Bob结果却没有上,而他的两个朋友Frank和Henry是来给他送行的却偏偏上了火车,这也难怪Bob felt sad。

5. B。由信息句The conductor came to him and said,“Don't feel sad.The next train will come in ten minutes.”可直接得出答案。






Boys and girls. I want to tell you about our school trip. We're going to go on Saturday. I hope you can all come. As you know,we're going to visit the film museum. There are lots of very interesting things there about the cinema and how films are made. We'll have to leave at eight forty-five,so don't be late. We'll get there by bus.Please meet me in the car park.

What next? Oh yes,the cost. It'll be six dollars seventy each. Now,I'm going to give you some work to do at the museum. You'll need to write things down, so take a pencil and a notebook with you. We'll have lunch in the museum restaurant,so you needn't bring any food with you.Well, I think that's everything.


1. (the) film museum。由信息句...we're going to visit the film museum. 可直接得出答案。

2. 8∶45[eight forty-five/a quarter to nine]。由信息句We'll have to leave at eight forty-five可知出发的具体时间。

3. (the)(car) park。由信息句Please meet me in the car park可知集合的地点。

4. $ 6.70[six dollars seventy](each)。由信息句What next? Oh yes,the cost. It'll be six dollars seventy each,可知每个人的花费是多少。

5. a pencil and a notebook。由信息句You'll need to write things down,so take a pencil and a notebook with you,可知随身须带的物品。

(编辑 陈根花)


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