诗 韵
Today we took a walk up the street
And picked a flower and climbed the hill above the lake
And secret thoughts were said aloud
We watched the faces in the clouds
Until the clouds had blown away
And were we ever somewhere else
You know, it's hard to say
And I never saw blue like that before
Across the sky, around the world
You've given me all you have and more
No one else has ever shown me how
To see the world the way I see it now
Oh, I, I never saw blue like that
I can't believe a month ago
I was alone; I didn't know you
I've never seen or heard your name
And even now, I'm so amazed
It's like a dream; it's like a rainbow
It's like the rain
And some things are the way they are
And words just can't explain
It feels like now; it feels always and it feels like coming home
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2005年,在安徒生诞辰200周年纪念音乐会上,新西兰女歌手Hayley Westenra以其透明如水晶般的纯净嗓音,演唱了“Never Saw Blue Like That”。随着钢琴旋律的缓缓响起,我们仿佛看到了童话里美人鱼眼中那别样的蓝。虽然这首歌最初是美国著名民谣女歌手Shawn Colvin为电影Runaway Bride(《落跑新娘》)演唱的插曲,但经过Hayley Westenra的演绎,这首歌被赋予了新的涵义。它提醒在现代生活中奔波忙碌的人们,要适时停下匆匆的脚步,看看路边平凡却动人的风景,看看那从未见过的蓝色……
Hayley Westenra有着天使般的脸庞,更有一颗天使般的爱心,现为联合国儿童基金会最年轻的终身形象大使。其热销专辑有:Pure(2003)、Odyssey(2005)、Treasure(2007)等。“Never Saw Blue Like That”出自专辑Odyssey。