新目标英语七年级(下) Unit 9单元要点检测题


中学生英语·阅读与写作 2009年6期

Part One 听力部分(20分)

Ⅰ. 听录音,选出你所听到的图片,读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

1._________2. _________3._________4._________ 5._________

Ⅱ. 听五段小对话,找出问题的正确答语。每段对话读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

( )6. A. She went to the mountains. B. She had a party. C. She practiced English.

( )7. A. Terrible. B. Pretty good. C. Very bad.

( )8. A. Its cold and windy. B. Its hot and sunny. C. Rainy.

( )9. A. It was great. B. It was OK. C. It was not very good.

( )10. A. We dont know. B. They did some sports. C. He did his homework.

Ⅲ. 听下面两段大对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

听第11段对话, 回答第11至13小题。

( )11. What did Sally do last Sunday?

A. She watched TV and did her homework. B. She stayed at home.

C. She went to the library.

( )12. What did Jim do last Sunday?

A. He did his homework. B. He watched TV and did his homework. C. He visited his grandfather and went to the library.

( )13. Who likes the book Harry Potter?

A. Sally. B. Tom. C. Nobody.

听第12段对话, 回答第14至15小题。

( )14. How was Tonys weekend?

A. It was very bad. B. Great. C. It was boring.

( )15. What did Tony do on Saturday afternoon?

A. He did his homework. B. He went to the movies.

C. He studied for the math test.

Ⅳ. 听短文,选出最佳答案。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

( )16. Who went to the park?

A. Jim and his family. B. Jim and his friends. C. Jims parents.

()17. What did they do?

A. They played games. B. They went shopping.

C. They played games and went shopping.

()18. What did Jim get?

A. A lot of food. B. A beautiful hat. C. A new pencil case.

()19. What did Bob get?

A. Some picture books. B. A lot of food. C. Some fruit.

()20. How was their Sunday?

A. Happy. B. Boring. C. Sad.

Part Two笔试部分(80分)

Ⅰ. 根据首字母提示完成单词。(每小题1分,共10分)

21. He was very sad b_________ his dog was lost.

22. He s_________ down and started to read.

23. We went to the two tall m_________ yesterday.

24. How did kids s_________the weekend?

25. I am thirteen years old and I am a m_________school student now.

26. My favorite program is t_________show.

27. I h_________a busy weekend last week.

28. My brother w _________a letter (信) to me last week.

29. My sister likes listening to English s_________ .

30. I went to v_________ my grandparents last weekend.

Ⅱ. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)

( )31. What_________you_________last weekend?

A. did; do B. did; did C. do; do D. do; did

( )32. Last night I stayed_________ home and studied_________my English test.

A. in; for B. at; for C. for; in D. for; to

( )33. We cleaned our classroom_________ Friday afternoon.

A. in B. on C. at D. for

( )34. They practice _________English every day.

A. speaking B. to speak C. saying D. to say

( )35. Every morning Mum cooks _________us.

A. at B. of C. for D. to

( )36. Do you enjoy _________ friends?

A. to visit B. visiting C. visit D. visited

( )37. Tom _________ watch TV after supper last night.

A. isnt B. wasnt C. doesnt D. didnt

( )38. My father got up early this morning and _________to work in the garden.

A. goes B. go C. went D. going

( )39. Where did Tina_________last weekend?

A. go B. goes C. went D. going

( ) 40. —How was your weekend, Lily?


A. I stayed at home B. It was delicious C. I was very happy D. It was pretty good

Ⅲ. 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。(每空1分,共10分)

41. Hewent to the moviesyesterday evening.(对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ he do yesterday evening?

42. Her weekend wasgreat. (对划线部分提问)

_________ _________her weekend?

43. They went tothe beachlast Sunday. (对划线部分提问)

Where _________they_________last Sunday?

44. My mother usually cleans the room in the morning.(用this morning 改为否定句)

My mother_________ _________the room this morning.

45. Its time for lunch.(改为同义句)

Its time _________ _________lunch.

Ⅳ. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

There are many mice in a house. The man of the house46a cat. The cat47many of them.

Then the father mouse says, “All the mice come to my hole tonight(今晚). Lets think48we can do about the cat.”

All the mice come, many mice49but no one knows what to do.50a young mice stands up and says, “We must put a bell(铃铛) on the cat. When the cat comes near, we can51the bell and run away and hide (躲藏),52the cat cant catch(抓住) any of us.”

But the father mouse asks, “ 53will put the bell on the cat?” No mouse54 . The father mouse waits, but still(仍然) no one answers. At last the father mouse says, “Its not hard to say things. It is55to do them.”

( ) 46. A. get B. has C. want D. buy

( ) 47. A. finds B. sees C. kills D. plays

( ) 48. A. what B. how C. when D. where

( ) 49. A. tell B. say C. talk D. speak

( ) 50. A. When B. At last C. After D. Soon

( ) 51. A. hear B. listen C. know D. find

( ) 52. A. so B. because C. but D. or

( ) 53. A. What B. Who C. Which D. Where

( ) 54. A. asks B. answers C. tells D. says

( ) 55. A. easy B. hard C. interesting D. scary

Ⅴ. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)



( )56. From this report, Tom seems (好像,似乎) to be____________ .

A. happy in his classes B. not doing his best C. the top student D. the worst student

( )57. In which subject does Tom have the lowest grade?

A. Art. B. English. C. P.E. D. Science.

( )58. The fact that Tom gets “A+” in Art shows that ____________.

A. he likes Art B. he doesnt paint well

C. he likes the teacher D. he dislikes Art

( )59. Whats the meaning of the word “comment” according to the school report?

A. 闲谈 B. 表扬 C. 评语 D. 批评

( )60. Tom is the ____________ in his class.

A. 22nd B. 21st C. 30th D. 32nd


It was a beautiful morning. There were no clouds in the sky, and the sun was warm but not hot. Mr. Black saw an old man at the bus stop with a big, strong(强壮的) umbrella(伞) in his hand. Mr. Black said to him,“Do you think we are going to have rain today?” “No,” said the old man, “I dont think so.” “Then are you carrying the umbrella because the sun is too hot?” “No, the sun is not very hot in spring (春天).” Mr. Black looked at the big umbrella again, and then the man said, “I am an old man, and my legs are not very strong. I must have a walking-stick(拐杖). But people will say, ‘Look! That man is so old!I dont like that, so I carry(带) an umbrella every day.”

( )61. When did this story happen(发生)?

A. On a hot morning. B. At the bus stop. C. On a cloudy day. D. In spring.

( )62.What was the weather like that day?

A. It was raining. B. The sun was too hot.

C. It was cloudy. D. It was sunny and the sun was warm but not too hot.

( )63. The old man carried an umbrella because ____________.

A. it was going to rain B. he must have it as a walking-stick

C. the sun was too hot D. he thought it was going to rain

( )64. From this story we know that____________ .

A. the old man didnt want other people to say he was old B. the old man was very stupid(愚蠢的)

C. the weather was bad that day D. the umbrella was not strong

( )65. Maybe this story happened____________.

A. in Wuhan B. in England C. in Korea(韩国) D. in Beijing

Ⅵ. 阅读理解填词。(每小题1分,共10分)

Kim went to a beautiful beach on Monday with his friends. It was s 66and hot. So they had great fun p67 in the water. In the afternoon, they w68 shopping. But the shops were crowded, they didnt really e69 it.

The n 70 day, it was rainy, so they went to a museum. It was b71. Kim found a small boy crying in the corner. Theboywas lost. He h72theboyfindhisfather. Kim was very happy. But he h73 no money for a taxi. So he had to w74 back to the hotel. That made h 75very tired.

66. s__________ 67. p__________ 68. w__________ 69. e__________ 70. n__________

71. b__________ 72. h__________ 73. h__________ 74. w__________ 75. h__________ Ⅶ. 书面表达。(10分)








70 Days in a Lifeboat
First All-Female Spacewalk
Taking Meals(就餐)