

中学生英语·中考指导版 2009年6期



1~5 CADAA 6~10 CABBD 11~15 ADBDA


1~5 BCBCA 6~10 BCBAA 11~15 AACAD


1~5 ACBCB 6~10 CCCCC 11~15 CCCAB


1~5 CABDA 6~10 BBCCA 11~15 ABBBB


1~5 DBDBB 6~10 DCAAD 11~15 CCADB


1~5 CDDCA 6~10 DCCBD 11~15 BBCAB


1~5 DABBC 6~10 DBBBB 11~15 DCAAB


1~5 CBDDB 6~10 BBBDA 11~15 CCBDB


1~5 CCBDD 6~10 DCDCA 11~15 CDADB


1~5 DDCBA 6~10 BBBAA 11~15 BCACC


1~5 DBAAA 6~10 CABCD 11~15 ADDDB


1~5 CCCBB 6~10 DBCCD 11~15 AABAD


1~5 ACBBD 6~10 CDCAB 11~15 CDCAC


1~5 BDDAD 6~10 CCACA 11~15 BBCCC


1~5 ABBAC 6~10 ABDAD 11~15 CCABD


练习1 1) add up to 2) added to3) adds to 4) added; up

练习2 1) away from2) down3) in4) off5) up6) up

练习3 1) down2) in3) back4) about5) up6) up 7)down8) out

练习4 1) up 2) for3) at4) out5) off

练习5 1) for2) about3) back4) on5) at 6) down7) into8) out9) to10) up

练习6 1) down2) down3) across4)up5)off6) in

练习7 1) over their feet2) behind3) back4) over

练习8 1) up2) up 3) by4) down5) against 6) beyond7) through8) off9) over10) with 11) ahead12) in for

练习9 1) down2) over3) round4) through 5) down6) in7) over

练习10 1) away2) off3) out4) up5) out 6) away7) out

练习11 1) back2) down3) on4) out 5) up6) down7) up

练习12 1) away2) back3) from4) from5) away 6) on7) up8) off9) to10) up

练习131) down 2) off 3) on4) into

练习141) out2) to3) behind4) over5) over 6) over

练习151) through2) out3) on4) back5) down 6) into7) about / around / round

练习161) into2) for3) out4) up / up5) up6) out

练习171) down / on2) away3) through4) over

练习181) for2) back3) back4) for5) off

练习191) up2) up3) up4) out5) out6) up 7) up

练习201) away2) down3) forward4) out5) through6) up7) on8) up9) up

练习211) out2) down3) over4) through5) up

练习221) on / ahead / forward2) over3) through 4) over5) through

练习231) into2) across / into3) out4) after5) for6) into

练习24 1) back2) about3) off / out4) out5) out 6) up7) off

练习251) back2) down3) for4) in5) over6) up7) on

练习26 1) to2) round3) over4) out5) away6) away7) down8) upside down9) up 10) against11) out





1. How are you?

2. What does she do?

3. Could you lend me a hand?

4. Where will the meeting be held?

5. How did you come to school this morning?

6. What day is it today?



7. M: Whats the trouble with you?

W: Yesterday I cut an orange with a knife and carelessly cut my finger.

8. W: When did you buy the new car, Tom?

M: I didnt buy it. I borrow it from a friend.

9. W: Is the Hubei Museum far away from here?

M: No, it takes only 10 minutes by bike.

10. W: Its your turn, sir.

M: Would you please mend this pair of trousers for me?

11. M: Hey, Lily, what are you doing here? Our boss is looking for you.

W: Oh, Im just making a phone call.

12. W: May I help you, sir?

M: Yes, Id like to have a look at your cabbage.




M: Miss, you look lost. Can I help you?

W: Yes, please. Is there a bookstore near here?

M: Yes. Its about 2 kilometers away from here.

W: Two kilometers?

M: Yes. Go straight along this street, and then turn left. Its just on your right.

W: How long will it take me to get there?

M: Its about a fifteen-minute drive.

W: Thank you


M: Did you use to collect stamps, Lucy?

W: Yes, I did. But now I am more interested in listening to music and playing the violin. When Im free, I enjoy playing.

M: Youve changed a lot.

W: Thats right. What about you, Jack?

M: Now, I enjoy fishing.

W: Fishing? Thats a good hobby.

M: Yeah, you are right. Its a lot of fun.

W: What did you use to do?

M: I used to take pictures.

W: I think taking pictures is expensive. You have to get a good camera and buy films. Am I right?

M: You are right. So I gave it up.


M: Hi, Jane. Welcome back. How was your vacation?

W: Great! I had a wonderful time.

M: What did you think of Singapore?

W: I like it better than I had expected. Its very clean and has got lots of flowers. Henry, do you work?

M: Not regularly. I used to have a job in a publishing company, but now I do the things I want to do.Some of them pay, like lecturing and teaching,while others dont.

W: How do you find your present way of life?

M: Well, therere some good things about it. For one thing if you feel tired, you dont have to get up early, and for another you can spend your time doing things you really want to do.


A writer, a singer and a painter were lost in the forest. It was getting dark when they came to a farmers house. They said to the farmer, “Could you let us stay for a night?”

“Yes, of course,” the farmer said, “But Ive got room for only two of you in the house. The other one will have to sleep in the barn with the animals, and the smell is very bad there.”“I will sleep in the barn,” the singer said. Half an hour later, a knock was heard on the door. And there stood the singer, saying, “The smell is terrible, and I cant sleep there any longer.” The writer said, “All right. Ill sleep in the barn.” And he went away. After some time there was another knock on the door. “I feel terrible from the smell,” the writer said in an angry way. The painter said, “OK, Ill sleep in the barn”

Early next morning when they got up and opened the door. There stood all the animals from the barn. The animals had stood there for a whole night!

1~5 ABCAA 6~10 BCBCB 11~15 BAAAB

16~20 CBBAA 21~25 ABABA 26~30 BCADD

31~35 BCADC 36~40 BACDA 41~45 CABCC

46~50 ABDCA 51~55 BDACB 56~60 DACAD

61~65 BCADB 66~70 BCCBA 71~75 DCDAD

76~80 CBADC

81. November 82. troubles 83. stand 84. rest

85. move 86. hung87. news 88. anything

89. agreed 90. coming

One possible version:

The theme of National Eyes Caring Day is vision protection, and the purpose of this day is to spread the message that students around the world should be more aware of protecting their eyesight. Bad eyesight can bring many inconveniences to studying and life in general. Therefore, its extremely important for students to take care in protecting their vision. I hope that all the students worldwide will be able to keep a good habit of protecting their eyesight.


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