

中学生英语·中考指导版 2009年6期

周 欣

Ⅰ. 听力测试部分(共三节 满分25分)



( )1. A. Fine. B. Five. C. Fishing.

( )2. A. Reading. B. A nurse. C. In America.

( )3. A. Not at all B. Thats all right C. No problem

( )4. A. In our school B. At 8:30 am C. My book

( )5. A. By bus B. With my classmate C. Very late

( )6. A. Its cool. B. Its Tuesday. C. Its April 8.



( )7. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a classroom. B. In an office. C. In a hospital.

( )8. Whose car is it?

A. Toms. B. Toms friends. C. Toms parents.

( )9. How long might it take to get there if you go on foot?

A. More than two hours. B. Less than ten minutes. C. About half an hour.

( )10. What does the man want to do?

A. He wants to mend his trousers. B. He wants the woman to mend his trousers.

C. He wants the woman to mend his shirt.

( )11. Whos looking for Lily?

A. The man. B. Her boss. C. One of her friends.

( )12.Where do you think these two people are talking?

A. At the market. B. At a bookstore. C. At the cinema.




( )13. What is the woman looking for?

A. A bookstore. B. A museum. C. A post office.

( )14. How far is the place?

A. It is about 2 kilometers away. B. Its 2 meters away.

C. Its about 15 kilometers away.

( )15. How will the woman get there according to the conversation?

A. On foot. B. By car. C. By train.


( )16. What did Lucy use to collect?

A. Coins. B. Shells. C. Stamps.

( )17. What is Jacks hobby now?

A. Swimming. B. Fishing. C. Skating.

( )18. Why did Jack give up taking pictures?

A. Because it is difficult. B. Because it is expensive. C. Because it isnt interesting.


( )19. Where did the man use to work?

A. In a publishing company. B. In a university. C. In a bookstore.

( )20. Which is TRUE about the man?

A. Sometimes he does things that dont pay. B. He works as a regular lecturer.

C. He is out of work.

( )21. What does the man think of his present way of life?

A. Enjoyable. B. Energetic. C. Terrible.

( )22. Where has the woman just been to?

A. A publishing company B. Singapore C. A College


( )23. Why did they come to the farmers house?

A. They wanted to stay there for a night. B. They wanted to borrow some things.


新目标英语七年级(上)Unit8 STEP BY STEP随堂通
Unit 12 STEP BY STEP 随堂通
Unit 7 STEP BY STEP 随堂通Section A
Taking Meals(就餐)