What is an International Summer Camp?
A Summer camp is a supervised program for children and/or teenagers conducted (usually) during the summer months in some countries. Children and adolescents who attend summer camp are known as campers. The traditional view of a summer camp as a woodsy place with hiking, canoeing, and campfires is evolving, with greater acceptance of newer summer camps that offer a wide variety of specialized activities.
The primary purpose of an international summer camp is educational or cultural exchange abroad during the summer vacation. It focuses on improving the campers' perseverance,independence, communication and language skills. All the members can experience foreign culture, enjoy beautiful scenery, practice English in a real English environment. and see new things.
Difference Between International Summer Camp and Summer Camp
The biggest difference between an international summer camp and an ordinary summer camp is internationalism. An international summer camp provides you with many benefits which you cant get from an ordinary summer camp, like an all English enviroment, making international friends, experiencing foreign culture and so on.
Why Choose International Summer Camp?
We all know the international summer camp can bring many benefits to different people, but which one is your favorite? What kind of activities can you do there? How about the accommodation? The British Council, EF, New Oriental and Sinowest International Education are four famous organizations which have great experience in running international summer camps. We hope you can learn what you need to know from their description.
(British Council英国文化教育处简称BC;EF英孚教育简称EF;New Oriental新东方简称NO;Sinowest International Education北美国际教育中心简称SW。)
Unique Life Experience另类的人生体验
BC: The experience in high school and university plays a very important role in life. International summer camp is a great way to establish the right values for life. Everybody will experience the cultural difference, something they cant get at home from their family.
EF: Because of the one-child policy in China, most Chinese students rarely get the chance to study and live with friends in the same age. During international summer camp, children will become more independent and see new things. They also can learn more through talking with students from all over the world.
NO: International summer camp can also be called short-period study abroad, which is a combination of study, travel, communication and cultural edification. The students can have a complete understanding of foreign culture through this kind of comprehensive activity which supplements the traditional examination-oriented education system. We need other methods to facilitate the development of value and character, except the ordinary learning style.
SW: International summer camp focuses on total immersion in the language and culture with maximum interaction with international students from all over the world. Apart from the core language classes, foreign and Chinese students will interact, study and socialize with each other throughout their stay. The summer camp program is designed to provide the most comprehensive and balanced curriculum for young learners.
Preparing for Further Study为留学预热
BC: International summer camp will design different types of course according the demand of different people. The majority of campers wish to look at the universities and majors before study there.
NO: A lot of students have no aim before they study abroad. They are wondering which university and major is better for them. In international summer camp, you will visit many universities and experience their teaching style. And the teachers in university will hold a presentation about how to prepare the application. All these activities will help you to clear the direction of study abroad and avoid wasting time and money.
Making Friends广交益友
EF: The international summer camp mixed Chinese students with students from other countries in the world. No matter whether they live with a local host family or live with other students in dormitory, they will all share experiences and cultures with person from different countries and cultural backgrounds, learn across-culture communication skills by listening to others and expressing themselves, and establish friendships over several weeks.
SW: One of the most valuable advantages of the international summer camp is that students will make a lot of friends - not only Chinese friends from different provinces, but international friends from other countries. They will stay in touch with each other by Email, Skype, MSN and QQ after the program finishes. In the future, it is a very good resource to practice their English and learn from each other.
Learning Language学习语言
NO: The international summer camp is beneficial to the applications of knowledge learning from books. You will find your deficiencies and realize the importance of learning English. This spontaneity of study is so valuable that it constitutes one of the purpose of international summer camp.
SW: Regarding English learning, you should use English in real life. One of the most exciting things in the summer program is that you got excellent opportunities to speak and use English in a real English world. Language is not only knowledge; it is a skill which needs to be sharpened by using in the real world. All the foreign friends are very friendly and warm-hearted. You don't have to be nervous when you speak to them. They are more than happy to help you.
Beautiful Memories美好的回忆
EF: Both the foreign teachers and the parents in local families help children to analyse the reasons for their errors and give them friendly suggestions if they make mistakes during international summer camp. The children will enhance their confidence and spirit while experiencing cultural difference.
SW: Every year, we have many interesting stories in our summer program. Vivian, a 16-year old student from Shandong province, came to Canada in 2007 for a 3-week summer camp program. She was a very timid girl and spoke poor English at the very beginning. A Mexican girl lived in the same host family with her. She was forced to speak English at home since no other Chinese students were with her. It is amazing that after 3 weeks, she could give a presentation in English in public. It was very impressive.
One Successful Visa Record
NO: A good successful visa record will be beneficial to your future study and life.
My International Summer Camp
A lot of students and leaders have a deep impression of international summer camp. Let's share their wonderful experiences together.
My Travel Notes in England
Introducing the Author
赵仲凯 深圳实验学校
Bournemouth - My most peaceful dream
I love Bournemouth. I love the sea, the beach, the undulating streets, the 'Gardens of Excellence' and its every towering pines. You may not catch on my love to her, but everytime I hear about the fairyland or the forever peaceful land, I regard them only as illusions, because never have I roamed in such a fairy-like place.
During my day in England, I spent most of the time studying and living in Bournemouth, a small but fairly eminent tourist city lying on the southern coast of England. My city, Shenzhen, the first financially special zone in China, is quite glorious and beautiful. However, walking in a city filled with extraordinarily tall glass-covered buildings, I can feel prosperity and speed, but not real delight and peace. I have been to Beijing, Hong kong, Paris, Singapore, and a great number of celebrated cities, however, none of them can truly please me. Even Lijiang, which takes a worldwide fame for its original architecture and life style, in my opinion, is too 'touristy,' lacking a sense of living appeal. Then you will understand my special feeling since I took my first steps in Bournemouth, she is destined to leave a great deal of memorable things to me!
First of all, I appeciate Bournemouth for the buildings. Bath is too senile with the dark yellow, while London is too young with glittering transparent glass. But here the three main colours, grey, white and dark red exert a sense of warm humanity. Also the skyline and the architecture is consistent, especially the castle-like apartments beside the sea. As far as I am concerned, the not valuable degree of city appearance is being consistent.
Life here is convenient and colourful, for most facilities are available in the centre of town. I applied for a library card with only with a confirmation paper from school and I could immediately borrow seven books. And the whole process is totally free, which is beyond my imagination in China! Also the city possesses two eminent orchestras, the Bournemouth Sinfonietta, founded in 1968 and the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, founded in 1893. The Bournemouth Sinfonietta has more than ninety performances every music season. And one can never neglect the city's senior neighbour – Christchurch, always an ideal land for writers and artists. It is a pity that I never visited the Russell Museum, for I went to swim with my Russian friend.
Though Bournemouth is not very historic or modern, I value its peace more than anything else. Every moning I walk out of the grey brick like apartment in a soft yellow light, and start a new nice day. I traipse through the path full of the aroma of pine, while a lot of squirrels share the fresh morning with me. Passing by the railway station, I find the people are quite calm and peaceful, and they were waiting for the red Vrigin train routinely with today's newspaper or a sandwich in their hands. Beside ASDA, the elderly have finished today's shopping with large and small bags of food, hobbling to the church. Birds are singing and the strange colourful flowers are blooming while a yellow bus passes by.
Undoubtably, the most charming place in Bournemouth is the beach, which many people would like to spend their whole life playing or just sitting on. In spite of the sharp rocks hidden in the sand, the water is fairly clean and blue, and big seagulls and other sea birds are plentiful on it. Needless to say, the beach is always crowded on sunny days. So sometimes I tend to go there when it is cloudy, for there is a stimulating and exciting atmosphere when it is cloudy on the immense sea and powerful wind can reduce the heat as well. You can also choose the time just after rains, when big wind sweeps up the sand, almost golden in radiant sunshine and waves are still foamy. Especially I can not resist the appeal of the evening beach, where with friends I drink a cup of Cappuccino, gazing in the salty breeze. We are thinking, capturing, or just wishing…
There is so much to say about my experience there, and some things maybe can't be described. In conclusion, here is my small poem to Bournemouth written on the last day there. You may laugh at me on my seemingly excessive love on this small city, yet everytime I recall the days roaming through the woods and nights staring at the deepest blue see and sky, I will miss her.
London and others
During the days in England, I also visited several other cities, including London, Cambridge and Sulbury. Nevertheless, I did not spend much time there, though they each have their own characteristics.
London impressed me as not only a metropolis but also a historic resort. Variety is the core of metropolises. So just like Beijing, London has many aspects which make it fantastic and complex. After all, my short trips can reveal little about London, but it was full of interesting things, such as local superstitions and royal postcards. I know Cambridge is a famous intellectual city, but I didn't spend enough time there to get a sense of the atmosphere – I hope to return.
England is small, compared to my homeland, but the cities also have distinctive features with their unique formations. Some people visit them, some only make a cursory observation, and I try to read them carefully and sentimentally with my own eyes.
Introducing the Author
环球雅思国际英语徐州分校 李春燕 老师
我们游览了著名的 Stanley Park,据说是全世界最大的位于市中心的原始森林公园,一个个富有特色的原始图腾,河滩边的野鸭无拘无束,海鸥四处飞翔,整个公园就像是一个海中的岛,安静又不失活力。休闲的年轻人,拿一本书,躺在草地上可以阅读,或者听听音乐;各种各样的艺术家,在公园的空地上,摆放自己的作品,在赢得欣赏的同时,也可能遇见买家;还有草地上,一跳一跳的身影,原来是可爱的小松鼠,似乎一点都不怕人,肆意地在我们面前搬动松果,这情景在国内似乎从未见过。
在Canada Place, 我们惊异于加拿大的壮观:看远山的积雪,白色的豪华游轮,五帆酒店,还有不时起飞的海上直升飞机。在海鸥飞过的地方,我们拍下了照片作纪念。一个加拿大人主动问我们从是不是中国来的,还笑着用蹩脚的中文向我们说,“你们好,欢迎来到加拿大,祝你们玩得愉快”,我们感觉温馨倍至。最后,他还主动要求给我们拍照留念。
我们乘坐红色的缆车,一路到达Grouse Mountain的山顶,好一片清新的世外桃源!小溪流水潺潺,各种野生植物、鸟类在此生活。放眼望去,整个温哥华市区尽收眼低。两个伐木工人进行了一场别具一格的伐木比赛,据说这种活动来源于英格兰的农村。在轻松幽默的比赛中,最后一场,两个人站在一个水上的圆木的两头,用脚来滚动圆木,试图使对方“落水”,最后却变成了两人都掉入了水里,活动博得了大家的阵阵欢笑和掌声。
维多利亚是加拿大BC省的省会,距离温哥华3个小时,我们需要乘坐渡轮前往。这个20多万人口的城市,显得无比安静美丽。整个城市的风格是欧式的,典型的欧式建筑,到处可见的小花园,连路灯上都吊着花篮,马车在街道上行走,更是一道风景线。维多利亚最著名的景点之一就是Buchart Garden。这里是真正的花的海洋,花的世界。各种各样的千奇百怪的种类,应有尽有。欧洲式花园、中国式花园、日本式花园,满眼的美丽花景,应接不暇。在美景的映衬下,人也美了许多。形状各异的喷泉,鲜花拱门,荷花池,一个个拍不过来。
Interviewing the CEO of International Communication Department in Bilingual Time
C:今年计划组建两支考察队伍。一支是针对未来计划去英国留学的大学生所安排的英国高校深度考察团,目前确定的学校包括牛津、剑桥、伦敦艺术大学、曼彻斯特大学、曼彻斯特城市大学、格林威治大学、谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学在内的7所大学。这七所大学可以说是各有特点,牛津、剑桥就不用介绍了,这次准备去的伦敦艺术大学是世界上最好的设计学院之一,在时尚艺术和传媒方向都很强。这个学校有很多的校友在时装界、演艺界和传媒界都非常有名,像著名演员Simon Callow,时装设计师Warren Noronha,工业设计师James Dyson,前007的扮演者Pierce Brendan Brosnan,Dior的设计师John Galliano等等。曼彻斯特大学在科研方面的实力是一流的,是全英排名非常靠前的一所综合性大学。曼彻斯特城市大学则拥有全欧洲最大的校园,艺术及设计、成衣、酒店及饮食、人文科学、社会科学、理科及工程(包括体育科学)都比较强。而有国际子午线从校区穿过的格林威治大学在建筑与园林设计专业方面是全英最强的,我们国家的第一批留英学生严复、林永升就是在这里学习造船与驾驶。而谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学则是欧洲最大的提供旅游、酒店和休闲管理的学院,在全英高等教育质量保证委员会(Quality Assurance Agency,QAA)的评估中,该校的本专业得到满分24分。此外,该校在体育相关学科及体育产业研究方面也很有建树。英国体育界不少重量级人物就来自于该校,比如:2001年就任的英国体育大臣理查得•卡本先生,他带领伦敦在申奥争夺战中拔得头筹,赢得了2012年奥运会主办权。英格兰足总和国家队教练组成员,欧洲足联技术委员会成员以及英格兰联赛教练员协会创始成员和主席霍华德•威尔金森(Howard Wilkinson)也来自该校。给大家提示一下就知道了,去年的北京奥运会整个欧洲组建了一支大学生志愿者队伍到北京,就是全部来自谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学,当时他们还参加了我们的录音节目呢,他们在北京期间的所见所闻所想都发表在去年的《双语时代》杂志上了。此外,该校的艺术和传媒方向也很不错。
另外一条路线是《双语时代》“北美枫情”游学夏令营。我们会去造访现代都市文明与自然美景和谐汇聚一身的美丽都市温哥华。这个夏令营在国外比较出名,每年夏天都有上千名来自不同国家的青少年聚居于此,今年北美国际教育中心授权我们杂志社帮他们组建一支“体验之队”,我想主要是想借用我们的媒体影响力,扩大他们的知名度吧。对方也以较低的价格给我们,这对读者来说是比较划算的。这个夏令营的特点是把全球夏令营成员拆分组合在一起学习。交朋友是必然的。除了语言培训之外,而且会安排参观温哥华的著名的大学或者景区,还会进行一些拓展训练。我们会去两大著名学府英属哥伦比亚大学和西门菲莎大学Simon Fraser University(SFU),在加拿大30多所大学中,只有8所被列入最佳大学名单内,而UBC和SFU就名列其中。UBC拥有世界一流的实验室和研究中心,SFU拥有“加拿大最有价值综合大学”美誉他们不仅是北美名牌大学之一,在国际也享有盛誉。在感受学校氛围的同时,我们将饱览温哥华的名胜。斯坦利公园的大沙滩、动物园、水族馆、小小高尔夫球场、玫瑰花园、小型火车及数之不尽巨型圆腾柱,会让您享受与众不同的视觉盛宴。卡皮兰诺Capilano吊桥,是温哥华最古老的观光点之一,也是世界上最长最高的步行天桥。罗伯逊街拥有购物天堂之称,世界顶级的高级时装专卖店Ferragamo, Armani Exchange, Zara, BoysCo, Club Monaco和BCBG Max-azria都汇集于此。另外,我们还会去中国城、中山公园、英吉利海滩、盖斯镇、唐人街等地让您在温哥华有更深更全面的了解和体验。
C:证明谈不上,英国和加拿大是法制非常健全的国家,况且我们是媒体团,接待方的服务绝对会做的很好的,到时候我自己也是领队,另外英国线路还有我们的编辑James, 加拿大还可以找我们的执行主编Sandra, 她也是加拿大公民,到时候都会安排得非常妥当的。总之我的意见是抓住几条关键:第一,听领队的安排,不要擅自离队;第二,到当地后立刻购买当地的手机卡保持通讯联系;第三,让父母给你办一个信用卡便于各种支付。第四,任何情况下遇到困难都应先直接和刊社取得联系。