原文:The patient complained that he had terrible stomach pains and the constant runs.
辨析:首先,complain不等于“埋怨”,这里表示病人“自述”,如:He complained of a headache.(他自述头疼。)我们平时说的“意见箱”,英语就叫complain box。
原译的主要问题还在后面。读者会问“肚子疼的人为什么要不停地跑?”其实,这里的run和“跑”没有关系。Run 是一个常用词,其意思非常多,不仅可以表示动态的“跑”:The bus runs from here to Chicago. 还可以表示静止的状态,比如下面这个问题:What runs a long way but stays in the same place? 这不是一个“脑筋急转弯”式的问题,其答案是a road,这里的run是“通向……”或“延伸”的意思。Run 可以是不及物动词:He runs very fast.也可以是及物动词:He is now running three workshops.(管理), 还可以是系动词:The old man soon ran mad.(变得)。Run还可以用做名词,也有很多意思,如:After the race she still had a lot of run in her. (跑步的力气) We'll take a run up to the top of the hill.(跑) He did a run of scales.(按音阶速奏) The new book had a considerable run.(畅销 / 流行) They put on the play for a run of 100 nights.(连续上演,一般译作“轮”,如“首轮影院”就叫first-run cinema。)
要了解本句原文中run的意思,要从这个路子去思考:大家知道,得了感冒的人have a running nose,当然不是说鼻子会跑,而是“老流鼻涕”。(英语里有一则笑话,病人对医生说:I have a running nose and smelling feet. 医生居然回答说:You are built upside down. (病人是“装倒了个儿”)你能领悟出其中的“包袱”吗?)又如:Her eyes constantly run with tears.(她老流眼泪。)顺着这个线索不难猜得出原文里the constant runs是“不停地拉肚子 / 腹泻”的意思。所以全句可译为:病人自诉说肚子疼得厉害,而且不停地泻。▲