误译:The local government issued a rule that required county-level officials to report their personal property.
正译:The local government issued a rule that required county-level officials to declare their personal property.
解释:to report 的意思是to give people information about sth that you have seen, heard, done, etc.,即“报告所见、所闻或所做之事”,与个人财产无关。而“申报财产”要用to declare表示。“申报”的第一个意思是“向上级或有关部门递交建议报告,以争取获准”。可译为 to submit a proposal。例如:这位科学家正在准备申报一项国家自然基金项目。The scientist is making a preparation to submit a proposal for a project supported by the National Natural Sciences Fund.“申报世界遗产”的意思是“提交提名建议将文化或自然遗产列入《世界遗产名录》”,简称“申遗”,英语可以译为to submit a nomination proposal for sth to be considered for inscription on the World Heritage List。例如:这个亚洲国家已将这座有一千多年历史的古庙申报世界遗产。This Asian country has submitted a nomination proposal for the old temple with a history of over one thousand years to be considered for inscription on the World Heritage List.
“申报”的第二个意思是“向海关或税务部门报告情况,或向有关部门报告个人财产情况”。英语可以译为 to declare, to make a declaration。例如:公民应向税务部门如实申报个人收入。Citizens must honestly declare their personal income to the tax office. “申报”的第三个意思是“向上级或有关部门报告情况并提出申请”。英语可以译为to apply for。例如:你有资格申报项目经费。You are eligible to apply for the project grant.“申报户口”是“申请户籍”,英语可以译为to apply for residence registration。▲