

江苏教育 2009年5期



英语课和语文课同是语言课,语文课为什么特别强调有感情地朗读和表达,而英语课为什么忽略了有感情地朗读和表达?这个问题多年困惑着我。每当听到课堂上学生扯着嗓子卖力地读书,每当听到学生流畅却干巴巴地说着英语,我觉得这是我们小学英语教育工作者的失职。如何优化课堂英语学习环境,在模拟真实的语境中让学生有感情地说英语,是赋予语言以情感的重要手段。所以,当我再一次教学《牛津小学英语(译林版)4A》“What's the matter?”B、C部分时,我运用大语境的创设,为情感英语助力,收到了理想的教学效果。现整理如下:


1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写表示感觉的形容词cold,hot,tired,hungry,thirsty和iil;能听懂、会说、会读和会写句子“Whats the matter?I'm…”并能在不同的情境中自如运用。






Step 1 Warming-up(Before the class)

T:Before our class,lets listen to an English song,I have two questions for you,Q1:Whats the name of this song?Q2:What's this song about?

(CAI:Play the flash of“Jingle Bells”)




Step 2 Presentation and practice

T:Boys and you like this song?Its a nice song.Its name is“Jingle Bells”.Whats this song about? Its about Christmas Day.Look.Who is coming?

Ss:Father Christmas!

T:Its Christmas Eve.How nice!Its snowing now. And its very cold.(with action)

T:cold c-o-l-d cold(showing word card)

Ss read and spell one by one.(one group)

T:Look at the screen.Who is cold?

S:Father Christmas is cold.

T:Are you cold?

S:Yes,I am.


T:Are you hot?(Teach:hot h-o-t hot)

Ss:No,Im not.


此处将词汇hot放在句型“Are you…?”中呈现,以旧句型引出新句型,让学生在真实的语境中学习生词,并非机械操练。在下面的环节中有多处类似的操练词汇的方法,运用得非常好。

T:Is Father Christmas hot?No.hes cold.Lets do some spots with him.OK?


T:Ready?Follow me,please.(T and ss act and chant)

Stand up,stand up.

Jump five times,jump five times.

come over here,come over here.

line up,line up.



(Father Christmas in CAI:Fa]ling down on the ground with music.)

T:Oh,dear.Whats the matter?Whats the matter?怎么了?Do you know?


T:Ask him,please.(show the sentence card)

S1:1Whats the matter?

S2:Whats the matter?


Ss ask together,

(设计思路:这一小段动作起到承上启下的作用。因为圣诞老人和大家都觉得冷,所以就一起做运动,但又不是单纯的做运动,而是巧妙地设计圣诞老人运动时突然摔倒,既是出人意料,又在情理之中地引出“Whats the matter?”这一问句。这样做的目的是既加深学生的印象,又渗透情感教育,启发学生去关心别人。)


看到施老师带着学生和屏幕上的圣诞老人一边做动作,一边说唱,觉得这个环节落了俗套,谁料想突然间圣诞老人摔倒了,此时此刻师生共同发出“Whats the matter?”这一疑问显得是多么必要啊!情境创设就该到

此境界!(Father Christmas in CAI:Im fired.)(showing the sentence card:Im…)

T:Im tired.我累了。tired tired tired Im tired.(with action)

Ss read and spell one by one.(one group)

T:Do the action.Dont stop.(to S1):Whats the mat- ter?

S1:Im tired.

Ss chain work.

T:(to the last one of the chain work):Youre tired. Heres a chair for you.Sit down,please.

T:(Showing the sentence card:Heres a…for you,) Read after me,please.

T:Father Christmas is tired:Heres a sled for you.

(CAI:Showing a sled roiling to Father Christmas at the screen)

(Read the word“sled”.)

Father Christmas(sitting on a sled in CAI):Thank you.

T:Thank you.(Putting the sentence on the black- board.)

Ss say together.

T:(Leading the Ss read):Heres a sled/chair/…for you.Thank you,

T:Look at the screen.Is he OK?Whats the matter now?

(CAI:Two bubbles are above Father Christmashead with a glass of water in one and a cake in another one.)

T:Look!Hes thinking about a cake and a glass of water.Please guess.whats the matter?

Perhaps hes hungry and thirsty.

(with actions,try to let the Ss say the two WOrds)

T:Hungry hun-gry hungry.Hes hungry.

Thirsty thirsty thirsty.Hes thirsty,



从Jingle Bells到 Father Christmas、Christmas Eve,从cold、hot、tired到hungry、thirsty、ill,逐步呈现,既有范读、领读,又有仿读、拼读,非常适切。

T:Father Christmas is hungry and thirsty.Never mind. I have some food and drinks here.

(Taking out a big plate with cakes,oranges and a glass of water in it.)

T:Hi.S1.Youre Father Christmas now,Youre hun- gry.Do the action,please.

T and S1:Whats the matter?Im hungry.Heres a cake for you.Thank you,

T(to S1):Exchange,Im Father Christmas,You take it.Ask me,please.

S1 and T:Whats the matter?Im thirsty.Heres a bottle of juice for you.Thank you.

T:Understand? W0rk in pairs,please.

Ss work in pairs.

T:Excuse me.Lets share.You two,please.

Ss shate 2-3 pairs.

T:Big hands!Youre good childrell.Father Christmas has many presents for you.But the first one is for David. Why?Lets have a look.

(CAI:Father Christmas is on the way to Davids home.sitting on the sled.He comes to Davids hone. David is staying in his bed.Father Christmas in CAI: Whats the matter?David:Im ill.)

T:Oh,boys and girls.David is ill.(with action)

Read after me.ill i-l-ill.

Ss lead and spell one by one.(one group)

T:Im sorry.David is ill.Lets go on,





(CAI:Father Christmas:Heres a VCD for you.

David:Thank you.May I watch it now?

Father Christmas:Sure.)

T:Boys and girls,whats Davids present?(A VCD.) Yes,do you want to watch it now?(Yes.)

Let!s watch it together.

Ss watch and repeat.(P70 Pan B,P71 Picture 1 and Picture 2)


在有情节的大语境中,将本节课的生词和句型以看 David的礼物——VCD的形式出现,在不中断语境的情况下,呈现了与课本相同的内容,过渡到看书、读书环节。妙!

T:Please open your books and turn to page 70.Read after me,please.(P70 Part B,P71 Picture 1 and Picture 2)

T:Look at Picture 3 and Picture 4.Guess.What is the boy/girl saying?


T:Big hands!Turn to page 71.HOW about Picture 5 and Picture 6,Picture 7 and Picture 8? What are they talking about?Discuss with your partners.

Ss work in pairs.

Step 3 Consolidation and Production

T:Boys and girls,youve done another good job.This time Father Christmas has many presents for you.Theyre in the red bags.Look!Sl,come here.Have a look.Which one do you like?

S1:An elephant(bird,tiger,dog),(随机取)

T:Oh,look carefully.Whats the matter with this bird (elephant,tiger,dog)?

S1:Its cold,

T:Lets help the bird.But how?

S1:Heres a jacket/…for you.

T:Lets act it out.

T&S1-2-3:Act it Out.(Give a model as below)

T:Now Im this bird.(Putting 0n the paper bird)

A:Hello.boys and girls.Im a bird.


A:Today is Christmas Eve.But Im not happy.(Take care of me!关心我啊!)

B:Whats the matter?

A:Im cold.(Help me!帮帮我啊!)

B:Heres a jacket for you.(可挖掘幽默因素。如,让学生脱下自己的夹克衫给冻得直发抖的小鸟……)

A:Good way l Any other way?Good boy/girl!Anyone else?

T:Big hands!

Ss share 2-3 groups.(Key points:elephant-hot; tiger-hungry;bird-cold;dog-thirsty)




Step 4 Summary&Homework

T:Boys and girls.Father Christmas is so kind.And youre so kind.too.I wish you a merry Christmas.Lets say“Merry Christmas!”to everyone.

T:Homework for you:

1.Copy the new words:tired,ill,hot,cold,hungry, thirsty

2.Copy the sentences:Whats the matter?Im…

3.Make a Christmas card for your father/mother/ teacher/friends…






1.体现了新课程标准的理念。运用“Whats the matter?”(你怎么啦?)这个句式,从关爱他人到关爱动物,再升华至关爱生命,施延霞老师课堂教学的“三个维度”达成度很高,即知识目标、能力目标、情感态度与价值观和谐统一,艺术地将情感目标渗透于知识目标之中。而且给人的感觉是非常自然,不是生硬地贴标签。








