小强博士 男,2001年毕业于上海外国语大学,获文学博士学位;2007年赴英国访学,现任教于华中师范大学英语系。任教十余年来,始终对English teaching in secondary schools(中小学英语教学)抱有浓厚的兴趣;赴英国访学期间,更是通过实地参观、访问、旁听等方式详细了解了国外中小学英语教学的现状。希望借助《中学生英语》与全国的英语爱好者,尤其是青少年朋友们交流。
The Theme Diary 主题日志
“学而时习之,不亦乐乎”。有一种理解,就是要天天学而时时习,且要快乐地学,学有所成、学有所获。像《中学生英语》,你若走马观花,一口气看完,然后搁在一旁,多半难有收获。不如每天一刻钟,看上一两页,边看边想,学习心得随时记下来,日积月累,语言能力说不定就有了突破。这就是《中学生英语》增设The Theme Diary的初衷。从本期开始,我们会在页脚或纸头为大家提供记日志的地方。话不在多,在于精,大家只需三言两语,(最好是用英文)写下自己的学习心得或是每天的所思所想,也可摘录经典的英文片段。
Live and Study Abroad 海外生活与学习
走出国门,曾经遥不可及,如今却并非白日做梦,毕竟我们在各种各样的场合接触到的“老外”是越来越多。我们要“迎进来”,也要“走出去”,外语学习的目的是要实现双向的而非单向的交流。《中学生英语》(七年级版)从本期起将为广大读者朋友提供第一手的海外生活与学习资料,帮助大家了解英美中学生衣食住行的现状。至少,看完下一期之后,碰到一个素不相识的外国小朋友冲上来对你说“I love you”,你既不会被吓坏,也不会狂喜不止,因为你既使暂时吃不到外国的猪肉,《中学生英语》也会告诉你外国的猪咋样跑。记住,Live and Study Abroad!
Mammals (哺乳动物)
Mammals are the worlds most dominant (最占优势的) animal. They are extremely (非常)diverse (多种多样的) creatures (生物,动物) that include (包括) the biggest ever animal (the blue whale (鲸), which eats up to 6 tons every day), the smallest (leaf-nosed bat) and the laziest (sloth, who spends 80% of their time sleeping). There are over 4,600 kinds of mammals and they live in very different environments(环境)—oceans (海洋), rivers, the jungle (丛林), deserts, and plains (平原).
Birds (鸟)
Birds come in all shapes (形状) and sizes (大小), from the tiniest hummingbird(蜂鸟)(that can weigh as little as 2.2 grams), to the albatross (信天翁)(with a wing span of 3 meters or more). The common characteristic birds share is feathers(羽毛), but not all birds can fly. There are over 9,200 kinds of birds known around the world and they can be found in just about every habitat (栖息地). Although species (物种,种类) of animals and plants die out (灭绝) naturally, human activity threatens(威胁) to bring about the extinction (灭绝) of certain species in the coming decades (十年).
What can we do to safeguard (保卫,保护) the endangered animals?
Insects (昆虫类)/Reptiles (爬行动物)/Amphibians (两栖类)
Insects, reptiles and amphibians often have a bad reputation(名声), but in fact they include some of the most fascinating (迷人的) creatures on the planet (行星). Insects make up (组成) the majority of living things and there are over a million different species while there are only 7,000 types(种类) of reptile. Reptiles have scales (鳞), breathe air and usually lay eggs. Amphibians live on both land and water. They are cold-blooded creatures(冷血动物) that use their environment to regulate (调节) their body temperature (体温).
Sea Creatures (海洋生物)
The worlds oceans cover (覆盖) 71% of the earths surface (地球表面) and account for (占) 97% of the earths water. The deepest (最深的) point is the Mariana Trench, which is located in the Pacific Ocean (太平洋) and it is 11, 022 meters deep. The sea is warmed by the sun and the water temperature affects where different marine(海生的) life can live. Warm-blooded animals, like whales (鲸), and swim through varying (不同的) water temperatures. Other animals, such as starfish (海星) and tube worms (管虫), thrive at the bottom of the ocean and in deep trenches despite the low pressure and cold temperatures.
Can you arrange (安排) a sports meeting for animals (e.g. sponsor a snail race)? 你能安排一场动物运动会吗(比方说发起蜗牛竞速赛)?
Sample Design (参考设计):
Snail Racing (蜗牛赛跑)
First of all, you need to find some snails. Look for snails with an aerodynamic shell(壳) and a competitive steak. Draw a circle(圆) on a large board (木板) that is 30 centimeters (厘米) in diameter(直径)—that will be the finish line(终点). In the middle of that circle draw a smaller one that will be the starting point (起点) for the race. Place (放) the snails inside the small circle and the first one to reach the outer (外面的) circle wins (赢)!