

双语时代 2009年1期

Jonathan Stelling

I arrived in Hawaii on a bright, beautiful day, a stark contrast from the gray February I had just left behind in England. Even after 9/11, Hawaii makes an effort to welcome tourists far more than the rest of the United States, and the pretty girls, clad in wreaths of flowers called lei, who shouted Aloha! at the airport certainly made you feel welcome!


Hawaii is an American state, the last to be added to the USA – it only achieved statehood in 1959.It was taken over by the USA in the nineteenth century from the native monarchy, under dubious circumstances that many native Hawaiians are still angry about. Nowadays, though, the people are better-off and healthier than many parts of America, the economy booming with tourist dollars and local development. Many aspects of traditional Hawaiian culture remain, and parts of the language are used in everyday speech, like 'Aloha!' for hello and 'brah' for friend.


I went that first evening to a typical Hawaiian barbecue, along with some Hawaiian friends from university. We were in a backyard in a suburban house, on a beautiful warm evening, with a pig slowly roasting in a fire pit. Hawaiians call this kind of celebration a luau, this one was for the birthday of a friend of my friend's, who was lying back in a chair having his girlfriend feed him grapes when we arrived. Pretty soon people started dancing, a mixture of traditional Hawaiian music and modern American party hits. There were plenty of lei being thrown around – girls like to throw them onto guys as a sign of affection, or just for fun.


The next day I went walking out into Honolulu, Hawaii's capital. We were on the island of Oahu, or 'The Big Island', where 80% of the Hawaiian population lives, and the streets were crowded.In many ways it was like being in any other rich American city, except for the preponderance of shorts-clad surfers and beach bums, and the high density of tourists. It was easy to tell apart the locals from the tourists. For a start, Hawaiians are very ethnically diverse, with Polynesian natives and Japanese immigrants playing a big role in the island's makeup. Some of the women were startingly gorgeous, with their mixed ancestry giving them a striking, exotic beauty. Most of the locals were also in good shape, in comparison to the often-doughy tourists.


But I wasn't here for the city. I was here for the beaches for which Hawaii is famous. I drove out of the city to a beach on the north shore, where my friend Kelly had promised to take me surfing.'Sunset Beach' is famous for its big waves, but today was a mild day – although, riding a borrowed board on the ocean, I fell over enough times to amuse the watching tourists. By the end of the afternoon I felt like I had the hang of it, though, and was able to stay up for ten minutes or more before splashing back down into the sea! In the evening we brought some delicious breadfruit and hotdogs from a beach vendor, and settled down on the still-hot sand to see the sunsets from which the beach takes its name. As the last rays of the sun faded on the beach, I wondered if there was a more perfect place to be on earth.


Sunset Beach was gorgeous, but also very crowded, and the next day Kelly took me out to a beach she said was deserted during the week. It was a Tuesday, and we had to push through rush-hour traffic - even though the state as a whole had a tiny population, Honolulu is a crowded city – but when we reached tiny Lanikai Beach it was more than worth it. Only half a mile long, it had gorgeous, smooth sand which ran neatly into the blue-green water. There were only a few people here, mostly students or housewives enjoying the sun, and we settled down to warm ourselves.We settled down to enjoy some rays, followed by a light lunch and then a long swim. Lanikai doesn't have any facilities for washing or changing, and so we had to head over to a local bathhouse for a shower afterwards to wash the fine-grained sand out before we changed back into normal clothes.


I had another couple of days in Hawaii, luxuriating in the beaches and seeing friends, and then from there, I flew onto the Truk lagoon, a tiny atoll deep in the Pacific. These beautiful islands are sheltered from storms by a ring of coral. From the plane, they looked like flashes of green in the deep blue of the ocean, the islands rising from the depths covered in jungle. I landed at the small airstrip on Dublon, the main island, and took a taxi to my hotel.


I had come here for its spectacular blue-water diving. That evening I met with Ato, a Japanese man who ran a diving school for tourists. As I'd dived before, he didn't have to teach me, but instead talked about the dive he had planned for us the day after tomorrow. Part of the Japanese navy had been stationed in Truk in WW2 (just as Hawaii, at Pearl Harbor, had been a major American base), and an American raid had sent many ships to the bottom, creating a spectacular wreck diving experience. It was one of the things I was most looking forward to doing on the island. That night, though, I just drank beers with Ato and looked out at the sea, dark as wine in the night. You could never forget the ocean in Dublon, it was visible no matter where you looked.


The next morning, eating breakfast in a sushi cafe, I could hear the shouts of the fisherman as they went to work. They talked in the local language, mixed with snatches of English and Japanese, and a few words of German. Ato had told me yesterday that the Truk creole was heavily multilingual, as the islands had been owned by so many people in the past. They went out every morning and evening to fish, as the islands were rich in sealife. I was probably eating their previous day's catch, in fact.


I headed straight for the beaches. It wasn't the tourist season, and Truk doesn't get as much business as the bigger Pacific islands anyway, so there were only myself on a gorgeous stretch of sand. The island itself rose behind us, covered in verdant green. I dipped my toes in the water and warmed myself up for the next day with a little swimming, doing backstroke in the warm ocean water. It was pretty salty, and I could float without 不会much effort.


The Truk islands are volcanic, formed from eruptions thousands of years ago, and so they rise high out of the sea. That afternoon I went up to look from the top. Looking down I could see the whole of the reef stretched out before me, dozens of tiny little islands clustered together, with a few boats moving between them, some only specks to my sight. The sun beat down warmly, and I could see why the Japanese had called Dublon 'summer island'. Later, I learnt they had only two season on the islands – the 'east wind' season and the 'west wind' season, depending on which way the breeze was coming from.


The next day Ato walked me through good diving practice, since I hadn't been down in a while, and then we went out, along with some of his staff and a group of Belgians, on his beautiful boat.Hitting the water was an amazing experience, as always. After a few seconds of confusion I was plunged into the underwater world, astonishingly clear and beautiful. A school of brightly-coloured fish swam around us, clearly used to these strange intruders in their marine home. I could see the wreck we had come to look at straightaway, a Japanese destroyer plunged to the bottom of the ocean by American bombs.


The rusted hull of the ship protruded eerily from the ocean floor. We were still in shallow waters, as neither the Belgians nor I were very experienced divers, and so couldn't go out to see the deepest sunk ships. Swimming down carefully, I could see through one of the portholes of the ship, making out a few items of metal furniture still preserved from so long ago. The place where the American bombs had hit was clearly visible, too, twisted and broken metal everywhere. An octopus seemed to be making a home at one end of the vessel; it looked at me with alien curiousity as I swam past.


We looked at two other hulks that day, an eerie experience indeed. The destruction and chaos of the war seemed so alien to this Pacific paradise. It was almost a relief to get back to the hotel and settle down for some more evening beers with new friends! I finished out my holiday with long beach trips, a little surfing, and a few rides around the other islands. It was nice to be in such tropical perfection, and I could see why some people never left! I, however, had to get back to the UK, and so, with a heavy heart, I bid farewell to this little piece of Eden and headed back to grey old Britain, only my memories of sun-lit ocean glory to sustain me.



The Best Season最佳出游季节


Wind Direction风向












Regulations for Swimming











1. Aloha


2. better-off


例句:We'd be better off without them as neighbours.


3. luau

即(常伴有文娱节目的)夏威夷式宴会。在鲁奥晚宴中,你将有机会见到夏威夷各族传统歌舞表演,如萨摩亚人的火刀舞、夏威夷人的草裙舞、毛利人的战舞等,传统食物则有:mahimahi鱼、烤猪(kaulapork)、鲑鱼沙拉(lomi lomi-salmon)、紫色芋泥(poi)等。

4. fall over


例句:He was walking along and suddenly he fell over.


5. shelter from

Shelter做动词有“掩蔽、庇护”的意思,“shelter from”意为“掩护、保护、(使)躲避……”。而“shelter somebody from sth”是指“掩护某人以免……”。

例句:They huddled in the shop doorway to shelter from the rain.


He is trying to shelter his boss from criticism.


6. stretch out


例句:The years ahead seemed to stretch out for ever.


He stretched out his arms and embraced me tightly.


Two extra people are coming for dinner.Will the food stretch out?


7. plunge into


例句:The first step to learn swimming is to plunge into warter.


After a frank discussion, he resolved to plunge into the new battles.


8. A school of

在文中,该词指的是“(鱼及水族动物)群、 队”。而school做动词时也可指“成群结队地游”。

例句:A school of marine mammals


9. sun-lit


例句:Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice.



1. Diving Heaven潜水天堂


在太平洋战争中,人们对“珍珠港”事件都不会陌生。然而,“珍珠港”事件爆发仅仅过了26个月,“第二次珍珠港事件”爆发了。不同的是,这次事件发生在日本的“珍珠港”——特鲁克岛。经过2天的攻击,美国人取得空前的战果:击沉日军舰船43艘、击伤9艘、击落飞机270架。美军空袭特鲁克使东京极为震惊。1944年2月18日,东京电台广播这一消息时惊呼:“战局变得空前严重……敌人作战的速度表明,进攻的力量已经威胁到我们的本土了。”日方称这一突袭为“第二次珍珠港事件”。 此后,日本海军在太平洋上的优势丧失殆尽,太平洋战争的尾声也随之到来。


2. Hula热辣草裙舞








3 Delicious Food美食之旅



