

WTO经济导刊 2009年12期





















Two new companies join CSR Europe

CSR Europe is delighted to announce the addition of two new corporate members to its business network. Merck Sharp & Dohme is a global research-driven pharmaceutical company. Coca-Cola is the worlds largest marketer, producer and distributor of Coca-Cola products.


HP and UNESCO expand joint project to increase brain gain in Africa and Middle East

HP and UNESCO today announced the expansion of the "Brain Gain Initiative" from five universities in the pilot phase to 15 additional higher education institutions throughout the Middle East and Africa. It enables these universities to collaborate with experts around the world in innovative education and research projects with the help of advanced grid and cloud computing technologies.

Intel tackles global problems at the 2009 European Research & Innovation Conference

Over 320 visitors from 11 countries attended the 2009 European Research & Innovation Conference, in Leixlip, Ireland, looking at issues such as global warming, health care and well-being. Intel Fellows delivered key note addresses at the conference, and participants had the opportunity to listen to presentations on the topics of Global warming, Global Ageing and the Research and Innovation challenges.

New IBM consulting service helps save environment and money

A new IBM consulting service can help clients develop methods to collect, manage and analyze supplier information for energy use, environmental impact, quality, safety, cost, efficiency, and labor practices. This offering draws on IBMs own experience running one of the largest, most complex supply chains in the world, including development of an expansive database covering 30,000 supplier locations in 60 countries to help collect and analyze data on a wide range of sustainability issues.

Volkswagen signs "Global Labour Charter"

On 29 October 2009 the ‘Global Labour Charter was signed by VW Group Board of Management, International Metalworkers Federation and VW employee representatives. As the first employer, the Volkswagen Group has adopted a “Global Labour Charter”.

Latest News from the EU

EU Commission seminar on Local Employment Development & CSR - Webcast

On 6 October, the European Commission organized a seminar on Local Employment Development and Corporate Social Responsibility to discuss the findings of a study published on this topic earlier this year. The report, describes and illustrates how the CSR activities of enterprises can contribute to local employment development initiatives in the European Union, Australia and Canada.

Gender equality to boost economic growth by 15-45% of GDP

A meeting of ministers was held on 16 October in Stockholm in the margins of the EU Presidency conference ‘Does gender equality boost economic growth?. The conference discussed how and why gender equality is important in achieving long-term, sustainable economic growth in the EU.

EU leaders fail to hammer out climate funding details

EU leaders have agreed on the need to provide 100 billion a year to fund climate efforts in developing countries, but failed to commit the EU to any specific sums, delaying their decision until after Decembers UN conference in Copenhagen, EurActiv reports.



美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)17日与中国国家主席胡锦涛举行了3个小时的会谈,会谈气氛被形容为是坦诚的。会谈结束后,两位领导人在人民大会堂一起露面,两位领导人都照章宣读各自的声明。胡锦涛强调,有必要“反对和抵制各种形式的保护主义”,此言意在拒绝美国对中国巨额贸易盈余的抱怨。奥巴马则提到,有必要超越人民币盯住美元的汇率政策,美方将这种政策视为中国重商主义的一种表现。可能需要几个月、甚至几年的时间,才能判断奥巴马与中国开展友好战略接触的政策能否奏效:即中国在帮助美国对付美方官员所称的“全球重大问题”(如气候变化、核武扩散、经济失衡)上,提供更多实质性的协助。




国际能源机构(IEA)警告称,碳排放信用(carbon credit)的价格将必须在欧洲目前的交易水平上提高一倍以上,才能使应对气候变化的高科技解决方案具有经济上的吸引力。国际能源机构认为,提高能效(尤其是电力使用方面)、可再生能源的迅速增长以及增加核能使用,在推动世界告别化石燃料方面也将至关重要。使用工厂废弃物、而非农作物的第二代生物燃料,将只能做出很小的贡献。






2009年10月20日,BSR年会在旧金山召开,会议吸引了来自40多个国家的1000多名与会者共同学习、讨论和探索实践CSR的最佳路径,即便是在最困难的经济衰退时期CSR仍被证明将引领经济重振。BSR总裁和首席执行官Aron Cramer在发言中描绘了BSR在引领重塑更加成功的世界的路线图:促进创新,实现可持续发展;系统再造;充分利用合作的力量。这也成为为期三天的年会上,与会代表所达成的共识和未来的努力方向。

This Weeks Top Headlines

Harmony edged aside in leaders frank talks?

It took Barack Obama 30 minutes 17th Nov. to whizz through the Forbidden City in Beijing following what was characterised as a candid three-hour discussion between the US president and Hu Jintao, his Chinese counterpart. At their joint appearance in the Great Hall of the People, both leaders gave the impression that they had sharp disagreements on a wide range of issues. Mr Hu emphasised the need to “oppose and reject protectionism in all its manifestations”, which was code for having brushed off US complaints about China's large trade surpluses. Mr Obama referred to the need to move beyond the dollar-renminbi peg. It may take months, even years, to judge whether Mr Obama's approach of friendly strategic engagement with China will bear fruit in the form of more substantive Chinese assistance in helping America tackle what one US official called the “global headline issues”, such as climate change, nuclear weapons proliferation and economic imbalances.

Trade harmony at core of APEC summit

The eight-day Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation summit – a grouping that speaks for half the global economy but decides almost nothing. Officials of the 21 member economies began formal talks on Sunday, and top-level discussions get under way tomorrow. There also was a series of bilateral talks, a separate US summit with the leaders of the 10 countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations, and big set-piece speeches by Mr Obama on Washington's role in Asia and Mr Hu on the Chinese role in the global recovery. At the summit itself the leaders discuss “new growth paradigms” – a euphemism for reducing Asian reliance on exports to the west – and the prospects for potential economic integration.

Energy watchdog warns price of CO2 must double

The International Energy Agency has warned that the price of carbon credits will have to more than double from the levels they now trade at in Europe to make high-tech solutions to climate change economically attractive. Better energy efficiency, especially in power use, rapid growth in renewable energy, and increased use of nuclear power will also be critical to move the world away from fossil fuels, the IEA believes. Second generation biofuel, which uses plant waste rather than crops, will only make a small contribution, it says.

Report Corner

China Hong Kong and Singapore warned over global warming

China Hong Kong and Singapore, Asia's two biggest international financial centres, are at serious risk of disastrous flooding and other catastrophes caused by global warming, according to a report produced by World Wide Fund for Nature WWF, the environmental pressure group, puts the two financial hubs in the top 10 cities threatened by climate change in Asia, the region widely believed to be most vulnerable to rising global temperatures.

BSR Events

Accelerating Through the Downturn:Impressions from the BSR Conference 2009

BSR Conference 2009 has been conducted on 20-23 October,2009 in San Francisco. Near 1,000 participants, from nearly 40 countries, came to learn, discuss, and debate the best path forward to a more sustainable world. It shows that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is alive and well in the midst of the worst recession we have seen in decades. BSR President and CEO Aron Cramer gave a keynote speech and laid out BSRs road map for achieving success in this new world: Promote innovation for sustainability. Embrace systems redesign. Maximize the power of networks. This framework nicely summarizes the outputs of the diverse plenary sessions, breakouts, workshops, and hallway conversations that unfolded over the next three days of the BSR Conference in San Francisco.

