Information Communication Technology (ICT信息传播技术) Rules


中学生英语·外语教学与研究 2008年10期

ICT, including the Internet and e-mail, is provided for students as part of their learning. Parents permission is required. Remember that access (准入) is a privilege(特别待遇), not a right, and that access requires responsibility.

School systems are not private. Computer systems and the information stored on or passing through them are not confidential (保密). Staff (全体人员,同事) may review files and communications to ensure(确定,保证,担保) that students are using the system responsibly. Students should not expect that e-mails-sent or received, and files stored on servers or disks would always be private(私人的). Students should expect to have their use of the Internet checked and recorded at any time.

1. General school rules apply

Students are responsible for good behavior (行为,举止) when using ICT, just as they are in a classroom or a school corridor (走廊).

2. Keep password(s) (口令) secret

Students are responsible for any and all activity carried out using their unique (独特的) user name.

3. Tell, dont touch

Help other people by telling them how to do something, dont do it for them. By showing rather than doing, you will help others to learn. Never touch a computer where someone else is working.

4. Respect other users

Students must never use or attempt (尝试,试图) to use someone elses user name. Students must never damage (损害,毁坏) someone elses files.

5. Respect resources (资源)

Students must not intentionally (有意地,故意地) waste ICT resources or damage ICT equipment. Name, Save and use Print Preview before printing. Check number of pages. Only print if necessary. Only print school work. Only print one copy. Only store school work. Leave cables, sockets, switches, system settings, screen settings, printer settings, printer paper trays (盘,托盘,碟) alone.

6. Respect copyright (版权) and acknowledge (鸣谢) information sources

Students are expected to check for copyright before copying words or pictures. Students must keep a record of where they have found information and include appropriate bibliographic references (参考文献) with their work (e.g. website addresses).

7. Be safe

Students are responsible for reporting any unpleasant material or messages to a teacher or the network manager. Students must not reveal personal information to strangers via(经由) the Internet.

8. Be polite

Students must not store, send or display offensive (攻击性的) words or pictures.

9. Be legal

Students must not attempt to gain unauthorised (未经授权) access to any computer systems, either within the school or via the Internet.


口 令