

中学英语之友·上 2008年12期


1. Can you go there ____? (你自己)

2. The t____ month is December.

3. Lets learn the ____(第四十) lesson now.

4. Do you have an Art ____(节日)?

5. My favorite subject is ____(生物).

6. This is a very ____(成功的) movie.

7. He is a ____(日本人).

8. S____ is the last day of the week.

9. He wants to be a ____(音乐家) when he grows up.

10. Lucy plays volleyball for two hours and she is t____.


1. ____ ____ does your father finish work?(几点钟)

2. ____ ____ ____ music does Li Xin like?(哪一种)

3. ____ does Vereas pal friend come from?(哪里)

4. ____ ____ do you speak?(哪一种语言)

5. ——____ ____ were you born?(哪一年)

——I was born in 1989.

6. ____ ____ do you want to join?(哪一俱乐部)

7. ____ are the two students talking ____? (对谁说话)

8. ____ are they talking ____?(谈论什么)

9. ——____ is Jeffs birthday? (什么时候)

——His birthday is June fourth.

10. ——____ ____ is Nick?(多大年纪)

——He is fifteen years and two months old.


1. Robert was born ____.

A. on 1989, September 4th B. at September 4, 1989

C. on September 4, 1989 D. in 4th, September, 1989

2. ——Does Lella want to go to a concert?


A. Yes, she does B. No, she does

C. Yes, of course not D. Yes, she do

3. ——____?

——Yes, I like action movies.

A. What kind of movies do you like

B. Do you like what kind of movies

C. Do you like thrillers

D. Do you like action movies

4. ——Do you usually go to movies ____?

——No, I stay ____.

A. on weekends; at the home

B. at the weekends; in home

C. on weekends; at home

D. at weekends; at the home

5. I want to look ____ the map. I can learn a little ____ our school


A. at; about B. for; at C. to; to D. for; for

6. Edwrad likes comedies, action movies, thrillers, and documentaries. ____, he is a movie fan(影迷).

A. In a word B. Even C. Also D. But

7. ——Math is my favorite subject.

——Math is my favorite subject ____. I ____ like science.

A. also; also B. too; also C. even; too D. also; even

8. In my family, my mother is always the first one ____ and the last

one ____.

A. get up; go to bed B. to get up; go to bed

C. to get up; to go to bed D. get up; to go to bed

9. Kevin gets ____ at 6:00 a.m.. He puts ____ his jacket and goes to


A. up; up B. on; on C. on; up D. up; on

10. ——Anna can play ____ piano well but she cant play ____ chess.

——Then she can join the music club.

A. a; a B. the; the C. the; / D. /; the

11. ——We can see Jack Chans Speed in the evening.

——Oh. Thats ____ exciting news. Speed is ____ action movie.

A. a; an B. /; an C. /; / D. an; an

12. Comedies are fun and relaxing. ____ this reason, I like comedies.

A. Of B. For C. Because D. About

13. We have three ____ and ____ art teacher.

A. science teachers; one B. sciences teahchers; an

C. science teachers; a D. sciences teachers; one

14. ——What are you doing?

——Im doing my ____ and my brother is reading ____.

A. homework; story B. homework; storys

C. homeworks; stories D. homework; stories

15. ——Can you help the children ____ their match.

——OK. I can talk to them ____ their match.

A. with; about B. to; to C. about; about D. in; with


1. Bill likes playing football?(一般疑问句)

____ Bill ____ playing football?

2. Is her birthday September 5th? (给出肯定回答)

____, ____ ____.

3. She does her homework in the evening. (改为否定句)

She ____ ____ her homework in the evening.

4. Can Rick speak Chinese? (给出否定回答)

____, ____ ____.

5. favorite, green, mothers, is, my, color. (连词成句)



1. 许多中国人会说日语。

Many ____ ____ ____ ____.

2. 三月八日是妇女节。

____ ____ is Womens Day.

3. 她不喜欢喜剧。

She ____ ____ comedies.

4. 午饭后我上音乐课。

____ lunch, I ____ music.

5. 科学虽然有点难,但是很有趣。

Science is ____, but its ____.


A: __1__ I help you?

B: Yes, please. I want a skirt.

A: __2__ __3__ do you want?

B: Red. I like red.

A: Here you __4__.

B: __5____6__ is it?

A: 15 dollars.

B: Ill __7__ it. __8__ __9__.

A: Youre __10__.


Sam: Martha, this is __1__ friend Rita. She wants __2__ the music club.

Martha: Great. What can you do?

Rita: Well, I can sing, play the piano and the guitar, but I cant read music.

Martha: Really? Thats interesting. Can you come __3__ three oclock today?

Rita: Sorry, I cant __4__ at three. Is four oclock OK?

Martha: Sure. __5__ fine. Listen, do you want __6__ to a movie after music club? Sam and I want to see “Tigers __7__ the park” at six oclock.

Rita: “Tigers __7__ the park”? It sounds scary.

Martha: Oh, no. Its a comedy. My friends here __8__ like scary movies. Do you like it?

Rita: No, I dont.

Martha: Well, thanks. I __9__ comedies, but I cant go. My family __10__ dinner at six.

1. A. I B. my C. me D. we

2. A. to joining B. joins C. to join D. join

3. A. at B. on C. in D. for

4. A. do B. go C. come D have

5. A. It B. Its C. Is D. Its

6. A. go B. going C. to go D. to going

7. A. in B. at C. on D. to

8. A. dont B. doesnt C. isnt D. arent

9. A. likes B. liking C am love D. love

10. A. does B. do C. have D. has



David and his brother Greg dont go to school in the morning. They go to school after lunch at one oclock. They have math at one fifteen. David likes math because its interesting. Greg doesnt like math. David and Greg have P.E. after math. They like the teacher, Mr. Wright, and they like P.E., because its fun. But Gregs favorite subject is Spanish and Davids favorite is music. He plays the piano and violin.


() 1. David and Greg have P.E. after math.

() 2. David and Greg go to school in the afternoon.

() 3. They have math class at two fifteen.

() 4. Greg doesnt like math.

() 5. David plays the piano.

() 6. Spanish isnt Davids favorite subject.

() 7. Mr. Wright is the math teacher.

() 8. They dont like P.E. because its boring.

() 9. Greg likes his Spanish class.

() 10. Music isnt Davids favorite subject.


Peters uncle lives in the country. Once in summer, Peter goes to stay with him for a few weeks. Whenever they go for a walk or for a drive in the car and pass somebody, his uncle waves(向……打招呼) to the passer-by. Peter is surprised and says, “Uncle George, you seem(似乎) to know everybody here. Where did you meet them all?”

“I dont know all these people,” answers his uncle.

“Then why do you wave to them?” “Well. Peter,” says his uncle, “When I wave to someone who knows me, he is pleased. He goes on his journey(旅行) with a happier heart. But when I wave to someone who doesnt know me, he is surprised(感到惊奇的) and says to himself. ‘Who is that man? Why did he wave to me? So he has something to think about during the rest of his journey, and that makes his journey seem shorter. So I make everybody happy.”


1. Peter goes to the country ____.

A. for his winter holidays

B. to see his sick uncle

C. to spend summer with his uncle

D. because he gets into trouble

2. When they pass somebody at any time, ____.

A. George will stop and say hello to everybody

B. Peters uncle waves to the passer-by

C. Peter waves to the passer-by

D. George introduces the person to Peter

3. Peter ____ when he sees his uncle waves to everybody passing by.

A. always asks his uncle “Who is that man?”

B. is very happy

C. is not surprised at all

D. is very surprised

4. George tells Peter ____,

A. he knows all the people

B. he does not know all the people

C. he only knows one of them

D. he doesnt know any one of the people

5. George waves to every passer-by ____.

A. to make everybody happy B. to make Peter happy

C. only to make a joke D. to make himself happy


Once there was an old man in a town. He always forgot a lot of things. So his wife always had to say to him, “Dont forget this!”

One day he went on a long trip alone. Before he left home, his wife said, “Now you have all these things. They are what you need for your trip. Take care of your things during the trip.” He went to the station, bought a ticket and got on the train with it.

About half an hour later, the conductor began to see the tickets. He came to the old man and said, “Will you please show me your ticket?” The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets, but he could not find it. He was very worried. “I cant find my ticket. I really bought a ticket before I got on the train.” said the old man.

“I believe you bought a ticket. All right, you dont have to buy another one,” said the conductor kindly. “But how can I know where Im going? I cant remember my station!” the old man said sadly.


1. The old man in the story was very ____.

A. kind B. poor C. forgetful D. sad

2. Where is the ticket? ____.

A. The old man forgot to buy it

B. The old man could not remember where it was

C. The old man showed it to the conductor

D. The old mans wife took the ticket away

3. The old man bought the ticket ____ he got on the train.

A. after B. before C. as D. when

4. The conductor ____ the old man.

A. didnt believe B. laughed at C. believed D. felt sorry for

5. The old man was sad because ____.

A. he had to buy another ticket

B. he lost all the things his wife gave him

C. he did not know where he was

D. he did not know where he should get off





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