

中学生英语高效课堂探究 2008年11期





1. The cause hehad devoted himself __________________a perfect success.

A. to proved B. proved

C. to prove D. to proving

2. Please tell me the way you thought of__________________the garden.

A. take care of B. to take care of

C. taking care of D. how to take care of


解析:利用思维定势设“陷阱”是出题者最常见的方法,所设题数最多, 也是学生最易失分之处, 因此要格外当心。遇到这种情况,既要分析句子结构,又要出题者想要表达的意思, 选好答案后不妨翻译一下,看句意是否符合情理和逻辑。第 1题中,一看到devoted himself, 同学就很容易联想到devote oneself to sth. / doing 结构并造成误选D,其实devote oneself to的宾语是the cause, proved 为句子的谓语,句意为“他所投身的事业后来证明很成功”。第2题中,同学容易把所缺部分理解为of 的宾语而误选C, 实际上of的宾语为the way。you thought of 和to take care of the garden是way 的两个定语。句意为“请告诉我你想出来的照管花园的办法。”



1. —Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me the way to the railway station?

—Sorry, Im a stranger here myself. Youare supposed to ask, Im afraid, ______________is a native.

A. someone B. whoever

C. who D. whomever

2. The Internet gives people the chance to have information they need __________________to themquickly and cheaply.

A. to deliver B. deliver

C. delivering D. delivered

答案: BD

解析:出题者往往通过插入一些结构来加长题干,从而增加试题的难度,干扰学生对试题主干的把握。所加入的结构多为一些定语或插入语如I think, I believe, I suppose, Im afraid等。解答这类题的关键是分析句子结构,找出冗余成分,将冗余成分的前后两部分连起来,这样就可以清晰地看出句子的主干。第1题 中插入了Im afraid,句子的主干是Youre supposed to ask whoever is a native.。第2句 中不定式部分加入了定语从句they need, 不定式部分的主干为have sth. done 结构。

三、 利用省略设 “陷阱”

应对措施: 补全残缺的句子结构。

1. —What do you think made Celia so happy?

— _____________a prize in the recent competition.

A. As she won B. Won

C. Winning D. Because of winning

2. —What should I do for our trip?

— __________________ some food and fruit.

A. Prepare B. To prepare

C. Preparing D. Prepared

答案: C A

解析: 解这类题的关键是把省略的部分补充出来。第1题A、D项都有一定的干扰性, 但如果把答语补全, 答案就显而易见了(I think winning a prize in the competition made her so happy.)。第2题补全句子结构为you should prepare some food and fruit.。

四、利用英汉差异设 “陷阱”

应对措施:排除母语干扰, “入乡”要“随俗”。

1. —You have given us a wonderful Chinesedinner, Mrs. Wang.


A. Oh, Im afraid I didnt cook very well

B. Im glad you enjoyed it

C. Come again when youre free

D. Its not necessary to say so

2. —Do remember to charge the battery for 12hours when you first use it.

— ________________

A. Thank you. I remember.

B. What for?

C. Up to you.

D. Got it.

答案: BD

解析: 这类题往往以交际用语的形式来考查, 因此要熟知英语中的一些日常交际用语, 要抛弃母语的干扰,要用英语的思维去思考。如 第1题中对别人的称赞要表示感谢, 而不能像A、C、D项一样用一些中国式的客套。第2题中,表示“明白了,记住了”要说 got it,而不说I remember。

五、 利用连词设 “陷阱”


1. —How often do you eat out?

— _______________ , but usually once a week.

A. Have no idea

B. It depends

C. As uaual

D. Generally speaking

2. ________________ , I think, and the problem could besettled.

A. So long as you keep up your spirits

B. A bit more effort

C. If you double your effort

D. Making great efforts

答案: BB

解析:句中连词直接表明了前后两个句子间的相互关系, 其中以but和and最为常见, 有无上述连词直接影响着选择哪一个答案。第1题中的关键词是but, 它表明了其前后是转折关系, “(虽然)视情况而定, 但 通常一周一次”, 如果句中没有but ,那么答案就将是D,表示“一般说来一周一次”。第2题中的and 是关键词,构成“名词短语 + and ”结构, 表示条件,如果去掉and,则选A、C项都可, 都构成条件句。

六、利用标点设 “陷阱”


1. _____________some of the juice—perhaps you will like it.

A. Trying B. Try

C. To try D. Have tried

2. _______________is known to all, good friends _______________happiness and value to life.

A. It; add to B. It; add

C. As; add D. As; add to

答案: BC

解析: 标点符号有时也会藏有“玄机”,有无标点以及是什么标点都会对句子的结构产生影响, 从而影响所选的答案, 因此在做单选题时要明察秋毫, 不放过任何细节。破折号后的内容通常是对前面的内容的解释或补充说明,主要意思在破折号之前。第一题的破折号之前应是完整的祈使句,因此只能选B。其他选项只能构成非谓语结构而不是句子。第2题中的逗号不可或缺,as 引导的是一个非限制性定语从句,代指逗号后整个句子的内容, 如果逗号改为that, 答案就成了B,该句结构就变成了it做形式主语的结构了。



1. How many years is it ______________your Englishteacher came to work in this school?

A. after B. since

C. before D. until

2. In which school was it ________________ your fatherreceived his high school education?

A. that B. which

C. the one D. where

答案: BA

解析:出题者为增加试题的难度和迷惑性,往往会变动句子的正常顺序。这种成分移位现象往往出现在强调句、特殊疑问句、一般疑问句以及倒装句中。应对方法是将这些移位的成分复位, 还原出我们更熟悉、更简单的结构后再做选择。第1题可以还原为:It is ______________years since your English teacher came to work here in this school.第2题可以还原成It was in which school that your father received his high school education.我们可以更容易地看出这是一个就强调结构中的被强调成份进行提问的句子。



1. Words ________________ me when I wanted toexpressed my thanks to him. I just held his hands firmly, choking.

A. left B. encouraged

C. reminded D. failed

2. In my opinion, the girl ______________to be a good dancer if she is well trained in an artschool.

A. expects B. hopes

C. wishes D. promises

答案: DD

解析:出题者往往会考查一些常见词的不太常见的意思,这很容易造成同学们误选。第1题中就考查了fail的“对……不起作用;帮不了……的忙”之意。 第2 题则考查了promise的“很可能的, 有希望的” 之意。



1. Everyone here will thank the firefighters for the things they do to prevent fires ___________________the environment safer.

A. make B. to make

C. made D. from making

2. Has the boy who was made use of _______________ realized his mistakes?

A. stealing B. stolen

C. to steal D. for stealing

3. Which do you enjoy ______________your weekend,swimming or fishing?

A. spending B. being spent

C. spend D. to spend

4. —How long have you been here?

— _____________ the end of last month.

A. In B. By C. At D. Since

5. The village has developed a lot ________________we learned farming years ago.

A. when B. which C. thatD. where

6. —Here is an article Ive just written.

Would you please read through and point out themistakes,__________________ ?

—No problem.

A. if any B. if some

C. if so D. if ever

7. —How would you like your coffee?

— ______________ .

A. It is well done

B. Very nice

C. One cup. Thats enough

D. The stronger, the better

8. During the test we were supposed to stay in our seats, keep our eyes on our work, __________to anyone.

A. and not to speak

B. instead of speaking

C. rather than speak

D. but could not talk

9. If I can help__________________ , I dont like working late into the night.

A. so B. that C. it D. them

10. I think it is your wife rather than you who _______________for your sons bad performance at school.

A. is to blame B. is to be blamed

C. are to blame D. are to be blamed

11. The children and the mother carrying a baby, get on the bus first, _______________?

A. dont you B. dont they

C. will they D. will you

12. —Im not good at singing, you know.

— ______________ . Its just for fun.

A. All right B. No problem

C. Come on D. Cheer up

13. Never ________________time comeagain.

A. has lost B. will lose

C. will lost D. lose

14. The book was written in 1946, _______________ the education system has witnessed great changes.

A. when B. during which

C. since then D. since when

15. Everything he______________away from him before he returned to his hometown.

A. took

B. had been taken

C. had had been taken

D. had taken

16. Before he went abroad, he spent as much time as he ___________ English.

A. could learning B. learned

C. to learn D. could learn

17. You can never imagine what great difficuly I have ______________ your house.

A. found B. finding

C. to find D. for finding

18. The person we referred to_____________ us a report tomorrow.

A. giving B. will give

C. gave D. give

19. The man whose songs we are fond of__________________ in our city next week.

A. singing B. to sing

C. will sing D. sang

20. The research is so designed that once

_____________________ nothing can be done to change it.

A. begins B. having begun

C. beginning D. begun

21. Time should be made good use of ______________ our lessons well.

A. learning B. learned

C. to learn D. having learned

22. It was only with the help of the local guide _______________ .

A. was the mountain climber rescued

B. then the mountain climber was rescued

C. when the mountain climber was rescued

D. that the mountain climber was rescued

23. Is this factory ________________ you visited the other day?

A. the one B. that

C. where D. when

24. Was it _____________ she heard with her ears

________________ really made her frightened?

A. what; that B. it; that

C. that; which D. what; 不填

25. Is this hotel_______________ you said we were to stay in your letter?

A. that B. where

C. the one D. in which

26. The professor has written another book,_______________ of great importance to computer science.

A. which I think it is

B. and I think is

C. which I think is

D. when I think is

27. Not far from the club there was a garden,________ owner seated in it playing bridge with his children every afternoon.

A. whose B. itsC. which D. that

28. Thank you for the trouble you have ________to help me.

A. paid B. taken

C. had D. asked

29. —Excuse me, do you have the time?

— ____________ .

A. Yes, I do B. Of course, I have

C. A quarter to ten D. No problem

30.__________ and I will get the work finished.

A. Have one more hour

B. One more hour

C. Given one more hour

D. If I have one more hour

Keys: 1. B2. C3. D4. D5. D6. A7. D8. A9. C10. A11. D12. C13. C14. D15. C16. A17. B 18. B19. C20. D21. C22. D23. A24. A25. B26. C27. B28. B29. C30. B

