Greed for Fortune Fear of Risk
Guo Liqin
When I was in Xiamen at-tending the Fifth China In-ternational Credit and RiskManagement Conference onSeptember 24-26, 2008, there was a fiercedebate on Capitol Hill about whether thegovernment of the United States shouldinject more than US$750 billion to savethe turbulent financial market. The crisisin Wall Street which was described by ex-perts as a “financial tsunami” comes fromproblematic credit and risk management.To be more specific, the watchdog lostcontrol of both credit and risk as the in-vestment banks continued their pursuit ofexcessive financial innovation. Now thatwe have seen these problems, how canChina balance the greed for fortune andthe fear of risk? During the conference,armed with a newfound curiosity aboutthe conference and many questions aboutcredit, I was immersed in an avalanche ofopinions from experts, officials, and en-trepreneurs of different sizes.