解读单元考点/牵手高频考题——Units 1~2


中学生英语高中综合天地 2008年7期

赵 勇

1.I dont enjoy singing ,nor do I like computers.(P 2)

【考点】:enjoy 的用法

【归纳] 1)enjoy接动名词作宾语;2)enjoy的意义“欣赏;享受”;3) 表示成功时用enjoy success 不用 win success.


In this seaside resort,you can ________ the comfort and convenience of modern tourism.(山东 2007)

A.enjoy B.apply

C.receive D.achieve 【A】

2.Im 15 and Im fond of singing.(P 2)

【考点】fond 的用法

【归纳】常用be fond of ……喜欢……(接名词、代词,动名词)。 表示喜爱的词或短语还有:

be keen on sth/ doing sth ;enjoy doing sth ;like/ love sth/ to do sth / doing sth;go in for sth/ care for sth

【高考链接】More and more young people are fond ________playing tennis nowadays.(2006上海春招)

A.on D.of 【D】

3.Chuck learns that we need friends to share happiness and sorrow,…(P 4)


【归纳】share n.一份,份儿 vt.分享;分担;共有;共同使用[(+with/among/between)] 常用搭配:1)share sth with sb 与某人公用某物 2)share (in )sth(多为抽象名词)3)share sth out/ (among /between sb) 分给,分配

【辨析】:share /spare

Spare v 省出,抽出;节约,吝啬;share v 分配,分享,分摊;与别人共有

I have no time to spare我抽不出时间。

Can you spare me a ticket/a ticket for me?可以让给我一张票吗?


1)They spared no efforts to protect the environment.他们尽力保护环境。

— Excuse me,may I ask you some questions?

—Sorry.Im too busy and havent even a minute to________.(上海 2000)

A.spend B.spare

C.share D.stop________ 【B】

2)Let Harry play with your toys as well.Clare—you must learn to________.(NMET 2000)

C.spare D.share________【D】

4.And that it is important to have a friend to care about.(P4)

【考点】care about的用法

【归纳】care about担心;关心,介意,在乎;对…担忧,后接名词,代词,动名词作宾语;但接宾语从句时往往省略介词 about.

I dont care who you are or what you say.我不管你是谁,也不在乎你说什么。

care for意思是“喜欢,”,其后面接名词,代词作宾语,多用于否定句,疑问句,带比较或条件的肯定句,不可用被动语态。care for 另作“照料,看护”解,相当于 look after ,take care of .

She cares more for fine new clothes than for anything else.她喜欢漂亮的新衣服胜过其他的一切。


After the earthquake,the injured were cared________in the hospitals or taken by air to the hospitals in the neighboring cities.________ (2006江西)

A.of B.for C.after D.with 【B】________________5.An equal number of people learn English as a second language.(P 10)


【归纳】equal n.(地位等)相同的人 adj.相等的;相当的;均等的[(+to/in)] vt.等于;比得上;敌得过[(+in/as)]

常用搭配:1) be equal to 和…相等2) be equal in …在某方面相等

A dime is equal to 10 cents.一角的硬币相当于十美分。

Not all men are equal in ability.人的能力不都是一样的。

All men are created equal.所有的人生来都是平等的。

Two plus two equals four.二加二等于四。

No one equals him in strength.论力气,无人能和他相比。


Fitness is important in sport,but of at least ________ importance are skills.(2006天津)

A.fair B.reasonable

C.equal D.proper________ 【C】6.The situation is found in countries such as India,Pakistan,Nigeria and the Philippines.(P10)


【归纳】situation处境,境遇;形势;情况;局面(用做先行词是定语从句用where 引导)

He is in a difficult situation.他处境困难。

The economic situation is now different.现在经济形势不同了。


School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous________ .(2006辽宁)

A.states B.conditions

C.situations D.positions________【C】He has got himself into a dangerous situation ________he is likely to lose control over the plane.(2001上海)

A.where B.which C.while D.why 【A】

7.The activity of buying,selling or exchanging goods or services.(P11)


【归纳】1) exchange …for … 用……换……

2)In exchange for用……换……Id like to exchange some pounds for dollars.我想把一些英镑兑换成美金。

Well have an opportunity to exchange views tomorrow.明天我们将有机会交换看法。

Live-In Attendant Care in Exchange for Free Rent照料起居,租金全免(招聘启事)


Ive offered to paint the house ________ a weeks accommodation.(2007山东) exchange for B.with regard to means of place of 【A】________ 8.The young father told his children to stand still(P12)


【归纳】stand .vt.(常用于否定句或疑问句)忍受,容忍 ;站立 n.架子,座;讲台;看台;


Modern plastics can ________very high and very low temperatures.(2005山东)

A.stand B.hold



9.How did these differences come about? (P12)

【考点】come about的用法

【归纳】1) come about“发生;产生”。2) How did it come about that….……是怎么产生的?come up被提出,被讨论;走过来 come up with赶上;针对(问题等)想出;提供

How did this accident come about? 那事故是怎么发生的?

How did all this come about? 这一切是怎么发生的?

A number of questions came up at the meeting.会议上提出了许多问题。


1)Its already 10 oclock.I wonder how it _____that she was two hours late on such a short trip.(2006湖北)

A.came over B.came out

C.came about D.came up


2) Please tell me how the accident ________.I am still in the dark.(2005江西)

A.came by B.came upon

C.came to D.came about


10.For a long time the language in America stayed the same,while….(P12)


【归纳】stay n.& vi.停留,逗留,呆;也可以用作系动词意为“保持”。 stay up 熬夜;挺住


1) Emergency line operators must always ________ calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help.(2007湖北)

A.grow B.appearC.become D.stay


2)Why dont you put the meat in the fridge? It will ________fresh for several days. stayed B.stay staying D.have stayed


11.But they also brought in some words from their own language.(P14)

【考点】bring in的用法

【归纳】bring in拿进来;引来;引进;吸收;赚得;有收入 bring about引起 ;bring down打落,击落;使降低;bring up 抚养


His idea of having weekly family meals together,which seemed difficult at first,has________ many good changes in their lives .(2005重庆) through B.resulted from

C.turned into D.brought about


12.Write a short passage in which you compare American and British English.(P14)


【归纳】compare vt比较用法:

1)compare A with B 把A和B相比

2)compare A to B 把A 比喻为B

3)compared with/to…和……比起来

4)in/by comparison with和……相比

5)beyond/without compare/comparison无与伦比

Compared with him,I am a bungler.与他相比,我只能算是一个笨拙的人。

This view is beyond compare.这景色无与伦比。


1)When ________different cultures,we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.(2006浙江)

A.compared B.being compared

C.comparing D.having compared


2)________ with the size of the whole earth,the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.(2004湖北)

A.Compare B.When comparing

C.Comparing D.When compared



can have done用法小结
Units 1—2句型转换专练