“Preaching-Non-Violence”Rioters Rampagein Lhasa


Tibet 2008年3期


It was about lla.m., March 14th, 2008.Lhasa, a Tibetan city used to peace andtranquility, was suddenly subjected to re-lentless rioting by mobs in the name of"non-violence resistance". They smashed, looted,vandalized, set property alight, beat and even killedpeople they encountered. Soon after, the sunshineon the city was blocked by black smoke from thefires. Ignoring the law and the directions of the on-duty police, these ferocious rioters screamed andyelled pro-independence slogans, while aggres-sively attacking the policemen and passers-by.Stones and bricks, knives, wooden sticks and metalrods, even boiling water struck their victims. In thisorgy of violence, shops, houses, schools, hospitals,banks, and state owned-organizations were gutted,looted and set ablaze. These ruthless mobs indis-criminately violated the human rights of their fel-low citizens in such a cruel and barbarous way caus-ing much pain, fear and grief their hearts.