一、 匹配型阅读理解
小词典: crosstalk master 相声大师,moustache小胡子,satirize讽刺,inherit继承,technique技术,industry工业(2007年福建省福州市)
101. Liu Xiang was born in Shanghai in July,1983. Hes a great sportsman.
102. Ma Ji was born in Beijing in 1934. He was a famous crosstalk master.
103. Yang Liwei was born in Liaoning Province. He has a happy family. He loves his wife and his son.
104. Wang Xuan was born in 1937. He gradusted from Beijing University in 1958.
105. Lu Xun was a great writer. He had deep eyes,thick moustache and short hair.
He used to be an excellent pilot with an experience of 1,350 hours flight. He is the first astronaut who flew in space in China. He has a dream that is to step on the moon. We are proud of him!
He did well in satirizing soical problems and prising heroes. He not only inherited and developed the crosstslk,but also created his own art style. He contributed a lot to Chinas crosstalk art.
He used to be dressed in a long suit. He smoked a lot while he was in deep thought. He hated the enemy,but he loved the people very deeply. He wrote a lot of novels and articles to fight against the enemy bravely.
As a boy,he entered the childrens sports school and received a lot of strict training under his coach Sun Haiping. He won the gold medal in the 110-metre hurdles at the 28th Athens Olympic Games.
He devoted all his life to his research work. The success of his technique brought about a complete change in the Chinese printing industry. He was awarded as the yearly top scientist in 2001.
这是个涉及面广的阅读题,其内容包含体育、科学、文学、航空和演艺。如果考生对人物了解得比较清楚,直接看备选项中的关键词就可以找到答案。一看101题的图就知道这是刘翔,他是个跨栏王。 D项中有sports,the 110-metre hurdles等关键词。这样就可以确定101应和D对应。马季是个相声演员,B项中的关键词crosstalk可以帮助我们确定102应和B项对应。其他三个题也可以用此法进行判断,这样可以节省很多的时间,而且准确性也高。要想做到这一点,考生就必须全面了解中国,乃至全世界各行各业的热点人物或事情。
二、 阅读理解
Michael,Tim,Peter,Gina 和Sarah各自正在打算去参观一座名塔。请仔细阅读第51-55题中的个人情况说明和A到E五座名塔的介绍,选出符合各人要求的最佳选项。(2007年浙江省杭州市)
51. Tim,from America,is traveling around the world. His last stop is to visit a tower where he can spend the night.
52. Michael,a student of history,is ready to write a paper on old towers. He is going to visit one in Europe.
53. Gina,a teacher from Australia,likes shopping very much. She is thinking of buying different things for her students.
54. Sarah is a college student. She is on holiday in July and would like to visit the tallest tower of the five below.
55. Peter is interested in plants and animals. He is now looking for a tower where he can see fish and other water animals.
五幅图片介绍了五座名塔的特点,只要抓住这些特点,问题就能解决了。51题中的Tim只要求在塔边度过一个晚上,这不就暗示需要有一个旅馆吗?中国上海的“东方明珠”,有一个20个房间的旅馆,是个不错的住宿处。52题中的Michael打算去欧洲写一篇古塔报道,从物理和历史书上,大家都知道意大利的比萨斜塔是在欧洲,而且很古老,最适合学历史的学生去参观。53题中的Gina喜欢购物,只有到有“shopping center”的地方去,故答案是D。 54题中的Sarah是要去最高的塔,只要看一下塔高就能确定答案为A。 剩下一个55题的答案只有选C了。可见采用“看报式”的阅读方法,寻找特殊性,就能很快找到最佳答案。
三、 任务型阅读
以下图片呈现的是Mr King一家生活中不安全用电的现象。下面有五条针对其中五种不安全用电现象的建议,请你将每一种现象的编号(A,B ... F)填入相应建议前面的括号内。(2007年浙江省温州市)
( )71. Please dont put the fish bowl on the TV set.
( )72. Would you mind moving the baby away?He is going to play with the outlet.
( )73. You should not put anything on a lamp.
( )74. Could you please take the wire away?Dont let the dog play with the outlet.
( )75. Will you please not use the heater in a wet bathroom?
本题的内容贴近我们的生活,告诉我们许多安全用电的常识。71题中提到TV set,根据这一点,就知道答案该为C; 72题中有个baby,马上就会明白答案为E; 73题中有lamp,就知道答案应为B; 74题中提到了dog,所以答案为F; 从heater一词就可确定75题的答案为A。