

中学生英语高中综合天地 2008年2期

黄 刚



The day was Thankful Thursday. Its a weekly__1__ that my two little girls and I began years ago. Thursday has become our day to go out and make a positive__2__.

My girls shouted “McDonalds, McDonalds” as we__3__ along a busy Houston road. Suddenly I__4__ that almost every crossing I passed through was__5__ by a panhandler(乞丐). And then it hit me! All these panhandlers must be hungry, too. Perfect! After we ate, I ordered a(an)__6__ fifteen lunches and we set out to deliver them. We would pull__7__ a panhandler, make a contribution, and tell him or her that we hoped things got better. Then wed say, “Oh, __8__ ... heres lunch.”

We handed our final contribution to a small woman and then immediately__9__ back in the opposite direction for home. __10__, the light caught us again and we were stopped at the same crossing where this small woman stood. I was__ 11__ and didnt know quite how to behave.

She made her way to our car, “No one has ever done__ 12__ like this for me before,” she said with__ 13__. Feeling uneasy, and wanting to move the conversation along, I asked, “So,__ 14__ do you think youll eat your lunch?”

She just looked at me with her huge, tried brown eyes and said, “Oh honey, Im not going to eat this lunch.” I was__ 15__, but before I could say anything, she continued, “You see, I have a little girl and she__16__ loves McDonalds, but I dont have money. But you know what ... tonight she is going to have McDonalds!”

I dont know if the kids__ 17__ the tears in my eyes. So many times I had questioned whether our acts of kindness were too__18__ or insignificant to really effect change. __19__ in that moment, I recognized the__20__of Mother Teresas words: “We cannot do great things—only small things with great love.”

1. A. tradition B. ceremony

C. custom D. habit

2. A. decision B. choice

C. contribution D. plan

3. A. walked B. ran

C. wandered D. drove

4. A. reminded B. realized

C. understood D. thought

5. A. crowded B. occupied

C. discovered D. laid

6. A. additional B. expensive

C. cheap D. special

7. A. close B. together

C. alongside D. throughout

8. A. in fact B. to tell the truth

C. generally speaking D. by the way

9. A. faced B. headed

C. took D. looked

10. A. Unfortunately B. Luckily

C. Unexpectedly D. Hopefully

11. A. excited B. embarrassed

C. frightened D. annoyed

12. A. something B. everything

C. anything D. nothing

13. A. amazement B. fear

C. sorrow D. amusement

14. A. what B. how C. where D. when

15. A. shocked B. confused

C. pleased D. worried

16. A. really B. even C. just D. never

17. A. watched B. felt

C. noticed D. recognized

18. A. many B. small C. big D. simple

19. A. Therefore B. Although

C. Meanwhile D. Yet

20. A. promise B. oath C. truth D. spirit



Not too long ago, I went to see a movie with my two best friends on Saturday.__1__ we arrived at the theater, I__2__ a man standing by the door__3__ the way.__4__ I knew who it was. STEVE! The__5__ movie theatre ticket taker(检票员)! I watched in disgust as he so__6__ took the__7__ from innocent hands. In fact, he was so evil that he tore the tickets and__8__ them back into the innocent hands. I had known this man, always in his ugly red suit and hat,__9__ I was four years old.

As soon as we__ 10__ the car, I realized that I FORGOT MY TICKET! Steve did__11__things to people who forgot their tickets, even though he still let them in. When we__ 12__ the door, the evil man gave me a smirk(得意的笑). He could__ 13__ I had forgotten my ticket. “DROP AND GIVE ME TWO HUNDRED!” he ordered.

I did two hundred and one.

“Now jump__ 14__ a ring of fire!” and I did, but I hated it. I had to do it for hours, so I missed the movie. I was very__ 15__.

I went home and made hundreds of__16__to take him down until I found a good__17__. I realized I could make peace, but HOW? HOW? HOW?

So after hours of__ 18__ my head on my desk, knocking stuff over, and blaming my sister, I__ 19__ a solution so complicated that I__ 20__ understood it. I was going to bake Steve a cake. I went to his house and left the cake with the words “Will you be my friend?” on the porch(门廊).

I met him in the park the next day and we became friends forever.

1. A. While B. Though

C. Because D. When

2. A. looked B. saw

C. watched D. glared

3. A. blocking B. to block

C. blocked D. to be blocking

4. A. At times B. After all

C. Right away D. By no means

5. A. evil B. good

C. handsome D. kind

6. A. gently B. carefully

C. honestly D. rudely

7. A. tickets B. money

C. bills D. changes

8. A. pulled B. held C. took D. pushed

9. A. since B. after C. before D. as

10. A. got into B. got out of

C. got on D. got off

11. A. friendly B. beneficial

C. horrible D. helpful

12. A. reached B. came out of

C. went toward D. left

13. A. touch B. smell C. sense D. taste

14. A. over B. through C. on D. under

15. A. angry B. happy C. tiring D. exited

16. A. tickets B. tricks C. means D. plans

17. A. it B. that C. the one D. one

18. A. hitting B. beating

C. throwing D. resting

19. A. came up with B. kept up with

C. came up D. kept up

20. A. nearly B. hardly C. simply D. only



1. A。分析上下文,这个日子已成为“我”家的传统。

2. C。make a contribution“作贡献”。

3. D。根据第四段“She made her way to our car”可知是开车。

4. B。突然我“意识到”每个十字路口都被一个乞丐“占据”。

5. B。

6. A。额外订购了15份食物分给乞丐吃。

7. C。把乞丐拉到一边。

8. D。by the way“顺便说一下”。

9. B。head for“朝……方向前进”。

10. A。分析上下文,“我”感到这种情景很不幸。

11. B。“我”感到很尴尬。

12. C。没有人以前为我做任何这样的事。前面有否定词No one,所以用anything。

13. A。这个女乞丐感到惊讶。

14. D。根据下一段“Im not going to eat this lunch.”可知是问时间。

15. B。我很迷惑。

16. C。just“恰好”。

17. C。“我”不知道孩子们是否注意到我眼中的泪水。

18. B。由下文insignificant可知选B,善举是否太小或不重要。

19. D。分析上下文,有意义上的转折,故选D。

20. C。领会的特雷萨修女话语的真正含义。


1. D。当我们到达电影院时。When“当……时”,强调时间点。

2. B。此处表示看的结果,故选saw。

3. A。see sb. doing“看见某人在干什么”,此处blocking the way作宾语补足语。

4. C。分析上下文,可知“我”立即认出了Steve这个人。

5. A。分析下文,出现了evil,可知Steve很坏。

6. D。分析上下文,Steve很粗鲁。

7. A。既然是检票员,从观众手里夺的肯定是票。下文也有提示。

8. D。撕了票,又塞回观众的手里。

9. A。自从四岁以来一直认识Steve。

10. B。一出小车,“我”发现自己忘了带电影票。Get out of指从小车或出租车等矮小的车出来,get off从高的汽车等下来。

11. C。Steve通常对没有票的人做出可怕的事。

12. A。“我”显然到达了检票口。

13. C。sense“意识到”。

14. B。through“穿过”。

15. A。没有看成电影,我肯定很生气。

16. D。制定数百个计划要Steve大失面子。

17. D。one指代前面计划的一个。

18. A。在桌子上敲打着脑袋。

19. A。come up with“想出”,人作主语,如果是事物作主语用come up。

20. B。解决办法太复杂以至于自己几乎都不明白。

