ZTE USA and Sprint Sign WiMAX Master Purchase Agreement


ZTE Communications 2007年3期

Reston,VA-July 17,2007-ZTEUSA,Inc.,a subsid iary of ZTECorporation,a lead ing g lobalp roviderof telecommunications equipmentand network solutions,announced today that ithas entered into amasterpurchase ag reementw ith Sp rintNextel(NYSE:S).Under the terms of the ag reement,ZTEw illsupp ly Sp rintw ith WiMAXPC cards in exp ress and USB form factors,and advanced modem solutions forhome networking.The ag reementwasmarked by a contractsigning ceremony today atSp rint's Herndon,Va.offices involving M r.HouWeigui,chairman of ZTE Corporation,and BarryWest,Presidentof4G Mobile Broadband,Sp rint.

Sp rinthas a p lan tomake itsWiMAX services commercially availab le to 100m illion peop le in the the end of2008.

"We chose ZTEbecause we found the com pany to be a cutting-edge innovatorbacked by the engineering resources ofan estab lished,leading g lobalbrand,"said Mr.West.

ZTE's exp ress and USB cards w illequip Sp rint subsc ribersw ith anywherew ireless data access on their lap top,desktop ormobile device.The homemodem can serve as a rep lacementnetworking solution for the home cab lemodem,enab ling service p roviders to quickly roll-out fixed b roadband w ireless service access via theirnetwork.ZTE'smodem is also equipped to enab le carriers to offer Vo IP-based voice services.