ZTE Rolls Out the First Full-Scale BBU+RRU Solution in the Industry


ZTE Communications 2007年3期


August7,2007,Shenzhen,China-ZTECorporation("ZTE"),a leading g lobalp roviderof telecommunications equipmentand network solutions,announced today the official launch of its GSM BBU+RRU Solution,which leverages on fiber-op tic remote technology to enab le d istributed base station dep loyment,with Base Band Unit(BBU)thatsupports up to a record high capacity of48TRX.To-date,ZTEhas launched d istributed base station solutions to support five d ifferentw ireless standards,inc lud ing WCDMA,TD-SCDMA,GSM,CDMA and WiMAX,and is the first to offera full-scale BBU+RRU solution in the industry.

The BBU+RRU distributed base station is easy to dep loy and availab le ata very competitive p rice.The solution was firstintroduced in 2005 to add ress the increasing environmentalawareness,rap id deterioration of resources in densely populated areas,and the soaring costof trad itional macro base station operations.With the BBU+RRU solutions,ZTE furtherdemonstrates its streng th in being the firstin the market to offer the technology in theWCDMA arena,besides being the p ioneer vendorof BBU+RRU solution in TD and GSM fields.

In the w ireless communication industry,ZTE puts em phasis on innovation to d ifferentiate itself from its com petitors.The unique features that ZTE offers are designed tomeet the needs ofd iversified customers.The company is the first in the industry to achieve aWCDMA/TD-SCDMA/CDMA2000/GSM com patib le ALL-IP integ rated hardware p latform,and has developed aWCDMA/TD-SCDMA/GSM multi-system BBU+RRU solution to add ress the Fem to base units in urban cellsites.

Leveraging on the innovation from the all-IP unified hardware p latform and BBU+RRU solution,ZTE has

constructed WCDMA network in 20 countriesworldw ide,

inc lud ing Libya,Estonia and Nepal.In 2006,ZTEwas ranked numberone in theworld in terms of totalcapacity ofCDMA shipment.In the recent tender for the"augmentation of

TD-SCDMA trialnetwork"hosted by China Mobile,ZTE has won 50%of themarketshare.