TELUS and ZTE Launch Award Winning Wireless Phone Featuring Fastap Keypad
August9,2007,Vancouver,B.C.—TELUS,a lead ing nationaltelecommunications company in Canada,and ZTE Corporation("ZTE"),a lead ing g lobalp roviderof telecommunications equipmentand network solutions announced today the exc lusive availability of the ZTED90,featuring DigitWireless'Fastap keypad.The ZTED90 is the firstmobile handsetin the world tofeature both Zi Corporation's eZiType software for increased data input speed and accuracy,and the DigitWireless Fastap keyboard,which d ramatically simp lifies the text inputexperience.With today's announcement,ZTEbecame the firstwireless phone manufacturer from mainland China to d irectly offera device forsale in Canada.
"Canad ians are now sendingmore than 21m illion person-to-person textmessages each day.The ZTED90 from TELUSmerges the hottestmobilemessaging and entertainmentservicesw ith the award winning design of the Fastap keypad,and ZiCorporation's eZiType engine to delivera highly functionaland stylish device thatis easy to use and helps our c lients save time,"said Stephen Ospalak,TELUS vice p residentofSubscriberDevices.
Earlier this year,the ZTED90 was recognized for its innovative design,w inning the German design association's(Design Zentrum Nord rheinWestfalen)p restigious Red Dot ProductDesign Award.
The ZTED90 incorporates a unique Fastap keypad that combines innovative use ofbacklighting w ith sem i-transparentkey g raphics.At firstg lance,the Fastap keypad looks like a standard 12 button phone creating a sleek appearance.When in use,the Fastap keypad lights up,instantly revealing the letterkeys fora true one-touch text entry experience simp lifying the use ofallmessaging and TELUSSPARK services.
Additionally the ZTED90 features"hotkeys",enab ling one-c lick access tomany services,app lications or contacts right from the id le screen.The user is ab le to easily personalize"hotkeys"tomany app lications and contac ts.For examp le,p ressing and hold ing M to access Messaging or p ressing the first letterofa contact's name ismuch easier to remember than an obscure speed dialnumber.
The ZTED90 is also amultimed ia powerhouse which gives c lients fullaccess to ourmostpopular SPARK services.These inc lude TELUSMobile Music full track download service,TELUSMobile Rad io(powered by XM Radio),Windows Live Messenger,TELUSMy Email foraccessing selectPOP3 e-mailsolutions inc lud ing Hotmailand Yahoo and location-based services such as TELUSNavigatorand TELUSKid Find to help users locate destinations and fam ily.
The ZTED90 operates on TELUS'w ireless high speed(EVDO)network and features a built-in 1.3megap ixeld igital camera w ith zoom and nightmode,Bluetooth support for com patib le accessories such as a stereo headset,expandab le MicroSD port,and a stylish b lack flip phone design w ith soft-touch exterior.