How many home runs did Babe Ruth hit? Whats the capital of Maryland? What movie won the Oscar for the best picture in 1973? Trivia quizzes are fun—no wonder theyre so popular! Have you ever amazed your friends (or the other way around) by suddenly remembering some little-known fact?Well, memory is indeed amazing—and mysterious. Scientists arent absolutely sure how it works.
The brain itself is an astonishing organ. With billions of microscopic nerve cells it runs the whole human system. It thinks, dreams, creates; it does arithmetic and writes poetry. And it remembers.There are, actually, different kinds of memory:remembering a grocery list or how to ride a bicycle, recalling past events, and so on. Some researchers even claim that we never forget anything, but simply put unused bits of information into deep storage. If we didnt, all our recollections would be jostling each other at the same time inside our heads. We wouldnt know what to think about next!
True,some people seem to have better memories than others, and no one knows exactly why. But, even though the brain isnt a muscle, the more you make it work, the more alert it becomes.The brain likes to keep busy; and many scientists believe that we only use a small portion of the brains abilities. The more we learn, the more were able to learn. So, even if we cant remember all the answers to those trivial questions, each of us is the proud owner of a mind that we can constantly enrich. And that no trivial pursuit!