Imagine a future where you can turn on the lights,play video games,and write your e-mail just by thinking about it.This fantasy future is fast becoming the present,thanks to exciting new advances in neuroscience
Recently in New York,four people wearing a cap filled with electrodes were able to move a computer cursor using only their thoughts.And in Wisconsinlast November,two people with electrodes implanted in their brains were also able to move a cursor and even play video ping pong. “The most effective waywas for me to scrunch my body really tight and ‘think about yelling,” said Chandra Malmquist.“Each day I got better ‘at controlling the cursor.”In a similar experiment at Brown University,a 25-year-old man learned to turn on the lights,check his e-mail,and switch channels on a TV.
New technology like this may make a big difference for people with disabilities and brain damage.For example,stroke victims often think clearly but are unable to speak.This technology may help them communicate with the outside world. Another exciting application may be in helping paralyzed people move again. They might be able to use this technology to send electrical impulses directly to their arms and legs and move them at will.The expression “mind over body” might take on a whole new meaning.