EFFECTIVE RANGE有效射程,a relative term which may refer to the max EXPANSION 扩张、膨胀。Bore Ex EXPANSION POINT膨胀尖 , any bullet made with a point that is designed to expand upon impact.An exposed lead tip,split tip,flat tip or hollow tip bullet may be called an “ expanding point” bullet(弹尖设计成“撞击后刻膨胀”的形状。露铅弹尖,裂口弹尖、扁平弹尖或中空弹尖的弹头皆可称“膨胀弹”或俗称“开花弹”)。
EXPLOSION爆炸,a violent bursting(猛烈爆发 )by the sudden production of great gas pressure,a very rapid oralmost instantaneous combustion(一种快速到几乎瞬间发生的燃烧)。Instantaneous ex EXPLOSIVE爆炸物质、炸药any chemical compound or mixture which burns so rapidly that an explosion results(产生)。 A high explosive(高性能的爆炸物)is used as bursting charge in bombs or projectiles;a low explosive(低性能的爆炸物)is used as a propelling charge(发射药)in guns.EXPLOSIVE DD型炸药,又称邓氏炸药(dunnite),是美国陆军军官邓恩发明的。 ammoniumpicrate(苦味酸铵 ), a high explosive charge relatively stable in handling and transporting(这 是 一 种 在 装 卸和输中比较安定的高能炸药),used as a burster in armor- piercing projectiles(用作穿甲弹的起爆药)。(待续)
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