Tailoring the properties of opticalmetamaterials
I nvestigation on spontaneously generated coherence
Progress in display technologies and their applications
Ultra compact and high resolution spectrometer based on optical trans m ission throughsubm icron interferometer array
Multiple 3D optical trapp ing using higher polarization order axially-symmetric polarized beams
Simulation and analysis of phase-sensitive surface plas mon resonance sensor based on enhanced optical trans m ission through arrays of nanoholes in silver films
All-fibre flat-top comb filter based on high-birefringence photonic crystal fibre loop m irror
Strong dual band metamater ial absorber in terahertz regime
LSPR spectral properties of Au nano-ring arrays and single Au nanoparticles
Trans m ission line model and field analysis of metamaterial absorber:ideal concentrator of electromagnetic waves
Negative permeability in planar metal-dielectric composites
Basic properties of trapezoidal channel plas mon polariton subwavelength waveguides