World journal of emergency medicine
World journal of emergency medicine
Original Articles
Factors related to early and rapid assessment of in-hospital mortality among older adult trauma patients in an earthquake
Comparing the demographic data and outcomes of septic shock patients presenting to teaching or non-teaching metropolitan hospitals in the United States
The procalcitonin-to-cortisol ratio is a potential prognostic predictor in sepsis with abdominal source:a retrospective observational study
Early changes in white blood cell, C-reactive protein and procalcitonin levels in children with severe multiple trauma
Exploratory COVID-19 death risk score based on basic laboratory tests and physiological clinical measurements
Medical services for sports injuries and illnesses in the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games
Review Article
Management of difficult intravenous access: a qualitative review
The effectiveness of emotion-focused art therapy on the resilience and self-image of emergency physicians
Case Letters
Vaccine-associated myocarditis: a case report and summary of the literature
A rare case of B-cell lymphoma characteristic of persistent lactic acidosis, hypoglycemia, and dyslipidemia in the emergency department
Successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation combined with thrombolysis for massive pulmonary embolism during peri-cardiac arrest
Spontaneous uterine perforation of pyometra leads to acute abdominal pain and septic shock: a case report
Traumatic abdominal wall hernia: a rare and often missed diagnosis in blunt trauma
Neurotoxicity due to dimethylamine borane poisoning via skin absorption: a case report