World journal of emergency medicine
World journal of emergency medicine
Fatal and non-fatal injuries due to suspension trauma syndrome: A systematic review of defi nition, pathophysiology, and management controversies
Saddle pulmonary embolism is not a sign of high-risk deterioration in non-high-risk patients: A propensity score-matched study
Two-point compression ultrasonography: Enough to rule out lower extremity deep venous thrombosis?
High-fl ow nasal cannula oxygen therapy and noninvasive ventilation for preventing extubation failure during weaning from mechanical ventilation assessed by lung ultrasound score: A single-center randomized study
Clinical characteristics and risk factors of Talaromyces marneff ei infection in human immunodefi ciency virusnegative patients: A retrospective observational study
Comparison of clinical characteristics in patients with coronavirus disease and infl uenza A in Guangzhou, China
Development of septic shock and prognostic assessment in critically ill patients with coronavirus disease outside Wuhan, China
Drug-induced erythroderma in patients with acquired immunodefi ciency syndrome
Protective eff ect of extracorporeal membrane pulmonary oxygenation combined with cardiopulmonary resuscitation on post-resuscitation lung injury
Left-sided vagus nerve stimulation improves cardiopulmonary resuscitation outcomes in rats as eff ectively as right-sided vagus nerve stimulation
Clinical characteristics of patients with black widow spider bites: A report of 59 patients and single-center experience
Immediate oral amiodarone re-challenge following the development of parenteral-induced acute liver toxicity
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation treatment for high-risk pulmonary embolism with cardiac arrest in a young adult male
Thoracic aortic rupture due to airbag deployment
Rare autonomic nervous system dysfunction: Alternating bilateral mydriasis
Filter implantation for double inferior vena cava: A case report and literature review
The cell phone in the twenty-fi rst century: Risk for addiction or ingestion? Case report and review of the literature