World journal of emergency medicine
World journal of emergency medicine
Emergency department patient experience: Same location, same provider, different scores by different survey methods
Observing the stages of bystander intervention in virtual reality simulation
Trends in mortality of emergency departments patients in China
Clinical characteristics of patients with Haff disease after eating crayf ish
Prioritization of factors related to mental health of women during an earthquake: A qualitative study
A comparison of simulation versus didactics for teaching ultrasound to Swiss medical students
Are radiological modalities really necessary for the long-term follow-up of patients having blunt solid organ injuries? A single center study
Benef its of using an endotracheal tube introducer as an adjunct to a Macintosh laryngoscope for endotracheal intubation performed by inexperienced doctors during mechanical CPR: A randomized prospective crossover study
Retroperitoneal hematoma following common iliac artery injury in a child
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