World journal of emergency medicine
World journal of emergency medicine
Original Articles
Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in occlusive vascular diseases: the literature review of the past 10 years
Prospective evaluation of point-of-care ultrasound for pre-procedure identifi cation of landmarks versus traditional palpation for lumbar puncture
Point-of-care ultrasound versus radiology department pelvic ultrasound on emergency department length of stay
Emergency department use among patients from residential aged care facilities under a Hospital in the Nursing Home scheme in public hospitals in Queensland Australia
Acute care needs in an Indian emergency department: A retrospective analysis
Emergency medicine as a growing career in Iran: an Internet-based survey
Code Blue evaluation in children's hospital
Outcome of application of primary versus secondary Illizarov's fi xator in open tibial shaft fractures
Urgent tracheostomy: four-year experience in a tertiary hospital
Infective endocarditis as a rare cause for acute limb ischemia
Cerebral venous thrombosis presenting with headache only and misdiagnosed as subarachnoid hemorrhage
Instructions for Authors
World Journal of Emergency Medicine
Information for Readers
Original Articles (2016年03期)
Evaluation of factors affecting psychological morbidity in emergency medicine practitioners
Geospatial and clinical analyses on pediatric related road traffi c injury in Malaysia