Water Science and Engineering
Water Science and Engineering
Capability of TMPA products to simulate streamflow in upper Yellow and Yangtze River basins on Tibetan Plateau
Climate change trend and its effects on reference evapotranspiration at Linhe Station, Hetao Irrigation District
Evaluation of flow regime of turbidity currents entering Dez Reservoir using extended shallow water model
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of solute transport in a single rough fracture
Marine renewable energy in China: Current status and perspectives
Revisiting study on Boussinesq modeling of wave transformation over various reef profiles
Characteristics of structural loess strength and preliminary framework for joint strength formula
Impact of water and sediment discharges on subaqueous delta evolution in Yangtze Estuary from 1950 to 2010
Relative roles of resuspended particles and pore water in release of contaminants from sediment