Water Science and Engineering
Water Science and Engineering
Hydrological daily rainfall-runoff simulation with BTOPMC model and comparison with Xin’anjiang model
Rainwater harvesting to alleviate water scarcity in dry conditions: A case study in Faria Catchment, Palestine
System dynamics model of Suzhou water resources carrying capacity and its application
Improved PSO algorithm based on chaos theory and its application to design flood hydrograph
Storm surge model based on variational data assimilation method
Analytical study on water hammer pressure in pressurized conduits with a throttled surge chamber for slow closure
Theoretical and numerical study of hydraulic characteristics of orifice energy dissipator
Experimental study of drag reduction in flumes and spillway tunnels
Numerical simulation of flow past circular duct
Roughness coefficient and its uncertainty in gravel-bed river
Tensile reliability analysis for gravity dam foundation surface based on FEM and response surface method