Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Research and Design of Coordinated Control Strategy for Smart Electromechanical Actuator System
Analysis of Drain Modulation for High Voltage GaN Power Amplifier Considering Parasitics
Introduction to the TT&C Scheme for Chang’e⁃5 Mission
Anti⁃icing/De⁃icing Mechanism and Application Progress of Bio⁃inspired Surface for Aircraft
Design of an Experimental Set‑up Concerning Interfacial Stress to Promote Measurement Accuracy of Adhesive Shear Strength Between Ice and Substrate
Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization of Geometric Parameters of a New Fluid Bag Buffer Mechanism on Buffering Performance
Cause Analysis of Consumer‑Grade UAV Accidents Based on Grounded Theory‑Bayesian Network
Research on Turning Characteristics of Helicopter Ground Motion
Mechanism Design and Motion Analysis of Heavy⁃Load Transfer Robot with Parallel Four⁃Bar Mechanism
Study on Combustion Performance of the Radial Staged Combustion Chamber with Lobed Nozzles