Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Simulation Study on Influence of Rake Angle in Gear Skiving Processes
Forced Resonance of a Slightly⁃Curved Hydraulic Pipe Fixed at Two Ends
Phase Field Simulation of Intragranular Microvoids Evolution Due to Surface Diffusion in Stress Field
Nonlinear Flutter Studies on Control Surface Freeplay
Design,Analysis,Fabrication,and Test for Low‑Cost and Out‑of‑Autoclave Composite Airship Gondolas
A New Method for Detecting Internal Defects in Composite Materials Based on Time of Flight
In‑Plane and Out‑of‑Plane Mechanical Properties of Zero Poisson’s Ratio Cellular Structures for Morphing Application
An Approach for Enabling Intelligent Edge Gateway Based on Microservice Architecture in Cloud Manufacturing
An Error Area Determination Approach in Machining of Aero⁃engine Blade
Microstructure and Mechanical Property of Al‑Cu‑Li Alloy Joint by Laser Welding with Filler Wire
Research on Visual Detection Algorithm for Groove Feature Sizes by Means of Structured Light Projection