TMR Modern Herbal Medicine
TMR Modern Herbal Medicine
Effect of TongFengNing Decoction on UricAcid Levels and Xanthine Oxidase Activity in Hyperuricemia Rats
Clinical experience in treating 78 cases of upper limb edema after breast cancer operation by WenYang HuoXue Washing Prescription
Clinical observation of Furongtongmai capsule on the lower extremity Atherosclerotic Occlusive Disease after Intervention Operation
Application of LC-MS based glutathione-trapped reactive metabolites in the discovery of toxicity of traditional Chinese medicine
The progress in the chemical constituents of the genus Picrasma during 2007-2017
Analysis of pharmacological action and clinical application of DaXueTeng based on its anti-inflammatory action
Toxic effects of BuGuZhi and feasibility analysis of ways to synergistic and attenuated
Survey of dose-effect relationship in Chinese materia medica