TMR Modern Herbal Medicine
TMR Modern Herbal Medicine
Go with the flow,emerge as the times require and propel the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine to a new era
Swallow anything and everything,seek difference and truth-The consideration on development of post-modern Chinese medicine
Mangiferin ameliorates hyperglycemia by inhibiting oxidation and α-glucosidase activity
HPLC Fingerprinting and Spectrum-antitumor Effect Relationship for Discrim ination between Mylabris phalerata Pallas and Mylabris cichorii Linnaeus
Explore the direct and/or the synergistic antihypertensive effects of wind-dispelling herbs involving Fangfeng and Baizhi on hypertensive rats with liver-yang hyperactivity based on vasoactive substances
External application of Chinese medicine formula combined with analgesic drugs to treat lung squamous cell carcinoma pain:A case study with mixed methods
A treatment for Henoch-Schönlein purpura based on Shaoyang Channels:a hypothesis and case report
Perspectives in app lication of biosensors for the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine