The Crop Journal
The Crop Journal
Complete organelle genomes of Sinapis arvensis and their evolutionary implications
Allelic impacts on pre-harvest sprouting resistance and favorable haplotypes in TaPHS1 of Chinese wheat accessions
The laccase gene GhLac1 modulates fiber initiation and elongation by coordinating jasmonic acid and flavonoid metabolism
Tolerance to low phosphorus in rice varieties is conferred by regulation of root growth
Influence of plastic film mulching and planting density on yield, leaf anatomy, and root characteristics of maize on the Loess Plateau
Wheat Elongator subunit 4 is required for epigenetic regulation of host immune response to Rhizoctonia cerealis
A case study of a micro-inversion event in dark brown fibre cotton (Gossypium hirsutum)
Genome-wide transcriptome analysis of roots in two rice varieties in response to alternate wetting and drying irrigation
Repression of microRNA 160 results in retarded seed integument growth and smaller final seed size in cotton
Fine mapping and characterization of the awn inhibitor B1 locus in common wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)
Breeding effects on the genotype × environment interaction for yield of durum wheat grown after the Green Revolution: The case of Spain
Profiling of seed fatty acid composition in 1025 Chinese soybean accessions from diverse ecoregions
Multi-environment QTL mapping of crown root traits in a maize RIL population
QTL mapping of adult plant resistance to stripe rust and leaf rust in a Fuyu 3/Zhengzhou 5389 wheat population
Identification of herbicide resistance loci using a genome-wide association study and linkage mapping in Chinese common wheat
Development of oligonucleotide probes for FISH karyotyping in Haynaldia villosa, a wild relative of common wheat