The Crop Journal
The Crop Journal
The m aize late em bryogenesis abund ant p rotein Zm DHN13 p ositively regulates copp er tolerance in transgenic yeast and tobacco
Brassinosteroid-regulated p lant grow th and developm ent and gene expression in soybean
Feed ing of Riptortus pedestris on soybean p lants,the p rim ary cause of soybean staygreen syndrom e in the Huang-Huai-Hai river basin
Identification of pow dery m ildew resistance loci in w heat by integrating genom e-w id e association stud y (GWAS) and linkage m app ing
The cotton WRKY transcrip tion factor Gh WRKY70 negatively regulates the d efense resp onse against Verticillium dahliae
Com parative transcriptom e analysis reveals differential gene ex p ression in resistant and susceptible tobacco cultivars in resp onse to infection by cucum ber m osaic virus
Using irrigation intervals to op tim ize w ater-use efficiency and m aize yield in Xinjiang,northw est China
Linkage analysis and integrated softw are GAPL for pure-line p op ulations d erived from four-w ay and eight-w ay crosses
Enclosed stigm a contributes to higher sp ikeletfertility for rice(Oryza sativa L.)subjected to heat stress
A targeted QTL analysis for fiber length using a genetic p op ulation betw een tw o introgressed backcrossed inbred lines in upland cotton(Gossypium hirsutum)
Id entification of a m ajor quantitative trait locus and its cand id ate und erlying genetic variation for rice stigm a exsertion rate
Develop ing green sup er rice varieties w ith high nutrient use efficiency by p henotyp ic selection under varied nutrient conditions
Transcrip tom e analysis of salt-stress resp onse in three seed ling tissues of com m on w heat