Rice Science
Rice Science
Chlorophyllide-a Oxygenase 1 (OsCAO1) Over-Expression Affects Rice Photosynthetic Rate and Grain Yield
Postharvest Variations of Rice Physicochemical Traits and Volatile Compounds under Granary Conditions During Long-Time Storage
Recombinase Polymerase Amplification Based Rapid Detection of Aroma Gene in Rice
Transfer Learning-Based Image Recognition of Nitrogen and Potassium Nutrient Stress in Rice
Research Papers
Novel Deletion in Exon 7 of Betaine Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2(BADH2)
Peptide Transporter OsNPF8.1 Contributes to Sustainable Growth under Salt and Drought Stresses,and Grain Yield under Nitrogen Deficiency in Rice
A Pleiotropic Drug Resistance Family Protein Gene Is Required for Rice Growth,Seed Development and Zinc Homeostasis
NaCl Facilitates Cell Wall Phosphorus Reutilization in Abscisic Acid Dependent Manner in Phosphorus Deficient Rice Root
Antioxidant Activities and Characterization of Polyphenols from Selected Northern Thai Rice Husks: Relation with Seed Attributes
Root Endophyte Shift and Key Genera Discovery in Rice under Barnyardgrass Stress